网站地址:CoNLL-2012 Shared Task train: conll-2012-train.v4.tar.gz dev: conll-2012-development.v4.tar.gz test: conll-2012-test-official.v9.tar.gz conll-2012-test-supplementary.v9.tar.gz conll-2012-test-key.tar.gz script: conll-2012-scripts.v3.tar.gz ...
2012. CoNLL-2012 Shared Task: Modeling multilingual unrestricted corefer- ence in OntoNotes. In Proc. of the Conference on Compu- tational Natural Language Learning: Shared Task.Sameer Pradhan, Alessandro Moschitti, Nianwen Xue, Olga Uryupina, and Yuchen Zhang. 2012. CoNLL- 2012 Shared Task: ...
在《CoNLL-2012shared task》的数据集之上的,其使用了 OntoNotes的共指标注。论文使用官方CoNLL-2012评估脚本报告了精度、召回率和MUC的F1、B3 以及...的机器阅读研究组还介绍了阅读理解任务的概览:。 ARC AI2 Reasoning Challenge(ARC)是 ...
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conll 2012 shared task 数据集 包括六个文件 conll-2012-development.v4.tar.gz conll-2012-scripts.v3.tar.gz conll-2012-test-key.tar.gz conll-2012-test-official.v9.tar.gz conll-2012-test-supplementary.v9.tar.gz conll-2012-train.v4.tar.gz 地址:
The CoNLL-2012 shared task involved predicting coreference in English, Chinese, and Arabic, using the final version, v5.0, of the OntoNotes corpus. It was a follow-on to the English-only task organized in 2011.
The CoNLL-2012 shared task is an extension of the last year's coreference task. We participated in the closed track of the shared tasks in both years. In this paper, we present the improvements of Illinois-Coref system from last year. We focus on improving mention detection and pronoun ...
2012. BART goes multilingual: The UniTN / Es- sex submission to the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Computa- tional Natural Language Learning (CoNLL'12).Uryupina O., Moschitti A., Poesio M. (2012) BART goes multilingual: The UniTN / Essex ...