28.33 - What Are the Four Seasons in French 53 2023-07 8 29.32 - How to Count From 0 to 70 in French 47 2023-07 9 30.31 - How to Conjugate French Verb "Pouvoir" (to Be Able to) (Present Tense) 36 2023-07 10 31.30 - 15+ Clothing Words in French ...
FrenchGermanItalianPortugueseRussianSpanish Conjugation of the verbbe[bi:], irregular Conditional Conditional Present Iwould be youwould be he/she/itwould be wewould be youwould be theywould be Conditional Perfect Iwould have been youwould have been ...
The French verbjouermeans "to play." This is a very common regular-erverb and it is used so much that you'll want to be able to use it properly. That means that you need to know how to conjugate it and understand how to use it to mean different types of play. A quick French le...
FrenchGermanItalianPortugueseRussianSpanish Conjugation of the verbdo[du:], regular All formsIndicativeConditionalParticiplesInfinitives Participles Present doing Past done Infinitives Infinitives todo tohave done tobe doing tohave been doing Did you find any mistake or inaccuracy? Pleasewrite to us. ...
Meaning "to pass," the French verbpasseris an easy one to remember and the conjugations are not too difficult, either. French students who have studied other regular -erverbs will find this lesson relatively simple to follow. By the end, you'll be familiar with the basic present, past, ...
10+ years studying French See tutors like this Je fus Nous fûmes Tu fus Vous fûtes Il/elle/on fut Ils/Elles furent Upvote • 1 Downvote Add comment Laurent A. answered • 07/08/23 Tutor New to Wyzant I'have been a french teacher for many years See tutors...
Entries linking toconjugate con- word-forming element meaning "together, with," sometimes merely intensive; it is the form ofcom-used in Latin before consonants except-b-, -p-, -l-, -m-, or-r-. In native English formations (such ascostar),co-tends to be used where Latin would useco...
Other Spanish verbs with the meaning similar to 'bear': None found. 'Bear' in different languages LanguageVerb(s)LanguageVerb(s) Albanian duroj Arabic ولد Dutch baren,uithouden English bear Esperanto elteni Estonian kandama, kandma, peilima Faroese bera, føða French enfanter, ...
Catalan caminar Dutch bewandelen, lopen, tegenlopen, wandelen English walk Esperanto iradi Faroese ganga Finnish kierrellä, käppäillä, kävellä, kävelyttää, pasteerata, ulkoiluttaa French promener German durchwandern, gehen, spazieren gehen Greek βαδίζω, βαθαί...
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