Conjugation of the verbbe[bi:], irregular Conditional Conditional Present Iwould be youwould be he/she/itwould be wewould be youwould be theywould be Conditional Perfect Iwould have been youwould have been he/she/itwould have been
Conjugation of the verblie beyond All formsIndicativeConditionalParticiplesInfinitives Participles Present lying beyond Past lain beyond Did you find any mistake or inaccuracy? Pleasewrite to us. Promt.One is a fast and helpful tool for any language learner. Check the conjugation of verbs and see ...
could - use could to indicate that one is capable of performing the action 查看更多回答 Q:請提供關於conjugate的例句給我。 A:"pleaseconjugatethe verb 'to sing.'" "The verb 'to be' is hard toconjugate." "There are many tenses in English, so conjugation is important." ...
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On the other hand, you may need to use the subjunctive and conditional forms ofamuserto express a mood. Thesubjunctiveis used when the verb is uncertain or subjective. Theconditionalis used when the verb relies on particular conditions. These will be useful as you become more fluent in French...
Exercise of modal verb (Score -/-) 10.2.1 Conjugation of dürfen (to be allowed) in German [0/1] Exercise: sentences with the verb 'dürfen' (Score -/-) 10.2.2 Conjugation of können (can) in German [0/1] Exercise: Learn the conjugation of 'können' (Score -/-) 10.2...
Learn how to conjugate and use the Italian verb uscire, which means to go out, through conjugation tables and examples.
귀여워라 means "It is so cute.", not "be cute"귀여워져라 means "be cute."@
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that cannot be used alone as predicate verbs. The verb added after the modal verb is not the prototype, and it is commonly said that the infinitive of "to" is removed. But there is also a saying that the to after certain modal verbs is not removed, whic...
Howdoesthisverbconjugate? 这个动词有哪些词形变化? 《牛津词典》 Adcetrisisanantibody-drugconjugatethatcombinesanantibodyanddrug,allowingtheantibodytodirectthedrugtoa targetonlymphomacellsknown asCD30. Adcetris是一种抗体药物结合物,结合抗体和药物,允许抗体指引药物至淋巴瘤细胞上被称为D30靶点。