Confluence 使用的存储格式或者 wikimarkup 格式中使用的参数和在宏浏览器中使用的标签是不同的,这些将会在下面在括号内容中列出(example)。 操作步骤 选择你需要的某种语言和风格等
Confluence 使用的存储格式或者 wikimarkup 格式中使用的参数和在宏浏览器中使用的标签是不同的,这些将会在下面在括号内容中列出(example)。 参数 默认值 说明 句法高亮(Syntax highlighting) (language) java 为你在宏内的代码指定进行语法高亮的的语言。默认使用的语言是 Java,但是你可以将语言指定下面的任何一种语...
Wiki markup is useful when you want to do one of the following: Create links using theAdvancedtab of the Links Browser. Add custom content to theheaderorfooterof a space. Insert a block of wiki markup (or markdown) into the Legacy editor. (ChooseInsert>Markup.)Note:the new editor doesn...
Confluence allows data entry via a shorthand code called wiki markup. Some parts of the Confluence administration interface also accept wiki markup for defining content. For a description of the wiki markup syntax, see Confluence Wiki Markup.Wiki markup code examples for macros can be found in the...
How can I add a checkbox in confluence using confluence wiki markup? I want to create a Confluence page using the Confluence Wiki and Python code. I want to insert a checkbox on the page. I learned that Confluence recently removed the use of "[]" for adding a task lis... 57 views...
If a macro generates wiki markup, returning RenderMode.ALL or RenderMode.INLINE would be appropriate. Since this example macro will render directly to HTML through a Velocity template, you don't want the renderer to mess with it. Return RenderMode.NO_RENDER. execute() is the crucial method ...
This doc says to just "Insert -> Markup", but there is no such option. I can't believe we pay for a Wiki that doesn't support Markdown properly. Reply 1
Confluence support 2 types of markup "storage" or "wiki" to publish pages using Confluence API. See Atlassian documentation for details: Confluence Storage Format- referred as "storage" Confluence Wiki Markup- referred as "wiki" Additional VIEW html-like format used to render pages. It used only... public static final java.lang.String MACRO_NAME "unmigrated-wiki-markup" public static final java.lang.String MACRO_NAME "unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup"...
These two macros can then be used in the wiki markup, and will not interfere with normal rendering of the wiki content. Additionally, Confluence's "parameter" syntax for user macros allows adding arbitrary parameters to these macros, thus making it very simple to keep the tokens unique. Some...