markdown 在Confluence中插入代码块的步骤: 1. 打开页面并点击“编辑”。 2. 点击“插入更多内容” > “其他宏”。 3. 搜索并选择“代码块”宏。 4. 选择代码语言(例如:`python`)。 5. 在宏占位符内粘贴或输入代码。 6. 点击“插入”并保存更改。 请注意,虽然上述说明中使用了Markdown格式来模拟步...
点击Insert more content 图标 点击Other macros 3.点击Code Block即可编辑插入代码,如果选中Markdown即可选中插入编辑Mark...
If you have trouble using Markdown in Confluence default editor, checkout our new app: Markdown for Confluence - Native Markdown Editor This app has alternative Markdown editor where you can paste Markdown and edit the existing pages using Markdown. Sidenote: Sharon, maybe you could add our ...
Breadcrumbs markdown-confluence / CHANGELOG.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 1088 lines (637 loc) · 83.5 KB Raw Changelog 5.5.2 (2023-09-24) Bug Fixes Downgrade @atlaskit/adf-schema to fix issue (914d324) 5.5.1 (2023-09-24) Bug Fixes bump @typescript-eslint/par...
Select Markdown. Type or paste your text - the preview will show you how it will appear on your page. Choose Insert. As with wiki markup, Confluence Cloud will convert your markdown to the rich text editor format. You will not be able to edit your content using markdown. ...
Mark does the same but in a different way. Mark reads your markdown file, creates a Confluence page if it's not found by its name, uploads attachments, translates Markdown into HTML and updates the contents of the page via REST API. It's like you don't even need to create sections/...
Create a single source of truth: keep Git content up-to-date in Confluence Automatically renders source files, Markdown, AsciiDoc, PlantUML, Images, Source code, OpenAPI, Mermaid, Structurizr, BlockDiag, BPMN, Bytefield, Vega, AsyncAPI, and more ...
Another thing I really like about Confluence is that it supportsMarkdown. It matches most of the shortcuts you find in the WordPress Block Editor, as well as Trello. This makes it a breeze to bounce between all the apps. We’re using the free version of Confluence and have for a couple...
plantumlCodeAsMacro--plantuml-code-macro-enableRender markdown plantuml fenced code block as confluence plantuml macro (server-side rendering)false plantumlCodeMacroName--plantuml-code-macro-nameName of confluence macro to render plantuml. Need to Confluence plugin. Possible known options are: 'pl...