Example_ConflictofInterestForm AUTHOR DECLARATION TEMPLATE We wish to draw the attention of the Editor to the following facts which may be considered as potential conflicts of interest and to significant financial contributions to this work. [OR] We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts...
example_conflict of interest form 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: AUTHOR DECLARATION TEMPLATE We wish to draw the attention of the Editor to the following facts which may be considered as potential conflicts of interest and to significant financial contributions to this work. [OR] We wish to confirm ...
PartA–DeclarationofInterest To:*Secretary/ChairmanoftheManagementCommittee DeclarationofInterest IunderstandthatifI,myfamilymembersandcloserelativesandpersonalfriends haveanydirectorindirectinterestinanycompanywhichhasbusinessdealings withtheOwners’Corporation,IshallmakeadeclarationtotheManagement ...
The primary objective of the audit is to ensure that the provisions on conflict of interest and declaration of interest stipulated in the Guide for Reimbursement of Operating Expenses for Members of [...] legco.gov.hk 此 項審計工作的主要目的,是確保《立法會 議員申請發還工作開支的指引》(下稱...
[AGENCY NAME AND LOGO] [AGENCY] AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEEConflict of Interest Declaration Conflict of Interest Criteria TPP 09-05: Internal Audit and Risk Management Policy for the NSW Public Sector, states that: The department head selects the independent chair and members from the panel of pre-...
7:083.DECLARATIONOFCONFLICTOFINTEREST 7:104.ADOPTIONOFMINUTESOFPREVIOUSMEETING(S) 4.1.RegularmeetingofMarch31,2015 4.2.Regular(in-camera)meetingofMarch31,2015 5.OWNERSHIPLINKAGE 7:126.BOARDEDUCATION 6.1.ProgramPresentation:ReligiousEducation–Follow-up:Information ...
Uniform ICMJE Conflict of Interest Declaration Form: Report of Test Use in Croatian Medical Journal in 2009-2010 The article offers information on the significance of the uniform of interest declaration form of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (I... V Ku?Ec,M Gelo - 《...
4.这里需要上传四个文件,“Cover Letter”就是写个编辑的信,大概就是简单说一下你的论文,笔者上传了自己写的模板Cover letter。“Declaration of Interest Statement”大概就是说明你的论文没有抄袭没有多投等等,这个文件《C & S》是有个现有文件的,笔者也是找了好久才找到,点击链接下载Declaration of Interest Sta...
CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM Manuscript Title: Author(s): PLEASE NOTE: As an integral part of the online submission process, each manuscript must contain a declaration of interests from ALL authors. Corresponding authors are required to confirm whether they and/or their co-authors have any competing...