Declaration of Interest Statement 利益冲突声明 Conflict of Interest 指利益冲突,意思是个人或组织的利益...
由Vetica Labs 的 Juan Estruch等人发表在Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine的文章“Utility of the combined use of 3 serologic markers in thediagnosis and monitoring of chronic enteropathies in dogs”被撤回,最大原因在于该论文的作者没有披露关键的利益冲突。 利益冲突声明(Declaration of Interest State...
4.这里需要上传四个文件,“Cover Letter”就是写个编辑的信,大概就是简单说一下你的论文,笔者上传了自己写的模板Cover letter。“Declaration of Interest Statement”大概就是说明你的论文没有抄袭没有多投等等,这个文件《C & S》是有个现有文件的,笔者也是找了好久才找到,点击链接下载Declaration of Interest Sta...
I confirm that I have no known conflicts of interest that would influence the results or interpretation of the data presented in this manuscript, and I understand that failure to disclose a conflict ofinterest is unethical and may result in sanctions being imposed on me. [Your Name] [Your Pos...
当大家投稿时,一般都会被要求提交conflict of interest statement利益冲突声明,当不确定是否涉及利益冲突时,我们需要让期刊编辑知悉,让期刊来决定。 三、可能会发生利益冲突的问题 以下是典型的应披露的利益冲突案例: 资金来源:需要说明赞助商、赞助金额、和赞助商在研究活动中扮演的角色。
I would like to share anidea regarding the statement ‘‘A declaration of relationshipsshould be required in the communication of research, butits existence should not prejudge inappropriate conduct’’.1Essentially, publishing conflict of interest statements is com-mon practice for all journals. The...
内容提示: sci 投稿 declaration of interest statement 模板 以下是一个 Declaration of Interests Statement 的模板,供您参考: Declaration of Interests I, [Your Name], declare that there are no conflicts of interest in relation to the manuscript titled "[Manuscript Title]" submitted to [Journal Name]...
Conflict of interest (COI) declaration policies are not commonplace in China and the level of awareness and reporting among Chinese researchers have not been fully investigated. This study sought to discover the presence of COI policies in high‐impact Chinese journals, the compliance of authors ...
[AGENCY NAME AND LOGO] [AGENCY] AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEEConflict of Interest Declaration Conflict of Interest Criteria TPP 09-05: Internal Audit and Risk Management Policy for the NSW Public Sector, states that: The department head selects the independent chair and members from the panel of pre-...
摘要: Declaration/Conflict of Interest statements were not included in the published versions of the following articles,that appeared in previous issues of Carbon Resources Conversion.The appropriate Declaration/Conflict of Interest statements,provided by the Authors,are included below.关键词:...