This article describes how to install and configure IIS 8.0 and PHP on Windows 8.Original product version: Internet Information Services 8.0, Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro Original KB number: 2819022Problem descriptionIf we want to run web application based on PHP platform, we must ensure our ...
Install and Configure MySQL for PHP Applications on IIS 7 Introduction While Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 is the recommended database to use when hosting PHP applications on an Internet Information Services 7 (IIS 7) and above Web server, you can also use MySQL as the database. Currently,...
./configure是用来检测你的安装平台的目标特征的。比如它会检测你是不是有CC或GCC,并不是需要CC或GCC,它是个shell脚本。make是用来编译的,它从Makefile中读取指令,然后编译。make install是用来安装的,它也从Makefile中读取指令,安装到指定的位置。 AUTOMAKE和AUTOCONF是非常有用的用来发布C程序的东西。
Configure a PHP Website on IIS Step 1: Install IIS and PHP Step 2: Configure PHP Settings Step 3: Configure PHP Application Security Build a Web Farm with IIS Servers Increasing Server, Storage, and Network Availability Install and Deploy Windows Server ...
php5.2的时候出现configure: error: libjpeg.(a|so) not found,如果没有安装那么先安装此模块 下载地址为: ./configure make make install #make test 最后一条命令make test是用来测试这个库是否安装成功的,执行这个命令后,你会看到 libjpeg 解压后所在目录下多了...
配置加载 PHP 驱动程序,如下所述:加载 Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server 将IIS 配置为托管 PHP 应用程序,如下所述:为 Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server 配置 IIS Linux 和 macOS 配置加载 PHP 驱动程序并将 Web 服务器配置为托管 PHP 应用程序,如下所述:PHP Lin...
具体配置我也不讲,只说针对php的配置。 在server { ... }一节中,找到 listen 和 server_name,按如下配置(如果端口要设置成80,请保证未安装其他应用程序服务器,如IIS,apache等,或者保证他们不在运行当中): server { listen 80; server_name localhost:80;顺便把编码也改改: ...
$ dnf -y install php php-common php-mysqlnd php-curl php-zip php-bz2 php-intl php-mbstring php-gd php-pecl-zip php-xml php-ldap# php-ldap是为了连接AD服务器$ dnf -y install php-sodium php-imagick php-gmp php-bcmath $ clear
Internet Information Services (IIS) includes an output cache feature that can cache dynamic PHP content (or output from your Microsoft® ASP.NET or classic ASP, or other dynamic pages) in memory. This can yield enormous performance improvements, since the script used to generate the dynamic out...
Build a Classic ASP Website on IIS Build a Static Website on IIS Build a PHP Website on IIS Build an FTP Site on IIS Build a Web Farm with IIS Servers Hosting-Friendly Web Server Platform (IIS): Scenario OverviewFeedback Was this page helpful? Yes No Get help at Microsoft Q&A Engli...