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After manually installing the ISAPI version of PHP 5 on Windows XP - IIS, you might see the error "The specified module could not be found" when you open any PHP page in your web browser.SolutionThis is not a bug in PHP. To resolve this error, check the .php application mapping in ...
I've written a visual HowTo guide for installing and configuring PHP with MySQL on an IIS 6.0 web server which can be found here : I hope some of you find it useful. ...
Configuring IIS After you’ve setup PHP, you’ll need to configure IIS to work with PHP. First verify that the machine has been assigned the role of a web server and that CGI is installed as a service under IIS. On Windows Server, You can do this by opening the Windows Server Manager...
Use "cd" to navigate to the folder which contains your downloaded AcuSensor agent file and run the following command: cp acusensor.php /acusensor/ Step 3: Configure your web server to invoke the "auto_prepend_file" directive Under Windows with IIS: ...
Error: Delete parameter PHP mbstring.func_overload Configuring IIS for use with the system PHP Installation and Setup FastCGI Module Setup Preparatory Operations Configuring The Error 404 and SEF URL’s Backup and restoration tools Using the back-up and restoration built-in tools Possible...
IUSR_computerName (Windows/IIS) The commands/steps taken to setting permissions differ depending on your operating system. If you are experiencing issues with setting permissions on your SuiteCRM instance, visit our support forums. Recommended installation pre-requisites PHP JSON XML Parsing MB ...
IIS与apache同时启动时,因端口号默认都是80,会导致后启动的服务失败。因此需要修改其中一个端口号。在此修改apache的端口号,在apache安装目录下conf的httpd.conf,查找listen 80,修改端口号为你所需端口:listen 81。 修改mySQL权限: 修改root权限; 修改后,须更新php配置文件内容:修改root用户密码为设置的...
Depending on your PHP configuration, you may need to manually make certain directories writable. If this is needed, a message will be displayed when starting the installation. If you receive this message, open your FTP client and navigate to your XenForo root directory (the directory your create...
I have successfully installed IIS6, PHP and MySQL. So no one else goes through the aggrivation of trial and error, I wrote how I did it and with what verisons. Visit: ...