The interface numbering convention is extended to support use with a Cisco Nexus Fabric Extender as follows: switch(config)# interface ethernet [chassis/]slot/port The chassis ID is an optional entry that you can use to address...
This example shows how to create a port channel: switch# configure terminal switch (config)# interface port-channel 1Adding a Port to a Port Channel You can add a port to a new channel group or to a channel group that alr...
Switch(config)#default interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1 3.6 配置VLAN 以太网端口有二种链路类型:Access和Trunk。 Access类型的端口只能属于1个VLAN,一般用于连接计算机的端口; Trunk类型的端口可以属于多个VLAN,可以接收和发送多个VLAN的报文,一般用于交换机之间连接的端口(trunk是允许vlan透传的一个概念)。 Switch(co...
The modus operandi of SVIs is simple. You start by creating the Layer 2 VLAN on the switch, and then assign an IP address on the VLAN Layer3 interface (SVI), just as you would on a physical router interface. The major difference here is that the SVI Layer 3 interface isvirtual. This...
使用interface系统配置命令进入此模式。使用exit全局配置命令返回系统配置模式。 –WiFi接口配置模式 使用interface系统配置命令进入此模式。我们建议在配置任何无线设置之前,首先使用 wireless-modeWiFi配置命令来设置802.11无线模式。使用exit全局配置命令返回系统 配置模式。 –SSID配置模式 使用ssid系统配置命令进入此模式。使用...
包括端口和 VLAN 的配置等。对于Cisco交换机,恢复出厂设置后,默认情况下,所有端口都将被禁用,除了Port0。这是因为Port0通常用于进行初始配置,可以通过Port0连接到交换机并使用命令行界面或其他管理工具进行交换机的基本配置。在初始配置完成后,可以将Port0重新配置为常规端口并进行常规网络交换操作。
Cisco IOS Basic CLI Configuration : Switch Port Command 1. Basic Switch>en Switch#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#interface vlan 1 Switch(config-if)#ip address ...
Before you can manage your Cisco switch, you need to configure a management interface. Unlike the routers that allow for management on any configured interface, with switches you are not able to associate IP addresses to the physical ports or interface; rather,you associate the IP address to a...
Switch#show vlan brief //查看交换机vlan 详细信息 Switch# Switch(config)#no vlan 2 // 删除vlan 2 将端口1-5划到VLAN 100中 Switch#configure terminal 进入全局配置模式 Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#int range fast0/1 - 5 选中端口, ...
Switch(config-if)#channel-group1modeactive 1. 使用LACP 主动模式Creating a port-channel interface Port-channel 1 Switch(config-if)# 1. 2. 3. 4. Configure the EtherChannel load balancing. This configuration is applicable for all EtherChannels configured on this switch. ...