针对你提到的“configmaps "cluster-info" not found”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和排查方法: 确认"cluster-info" ConfigMap是否存在: 使用以下命令来检查"cluster-info" ConfigMap是否存在: bash kubectl get configmap cluster-info -n kube-public 如果该命令返回了ConfigMap的信息,说明它确实存在;如果返回“...
Sources include a ConfigMap, a Secret, and information about the cluster. In this example configMapKeyRef sets the key name with the value of the ConfigMap sys-app-name. Similarly, secretKeyRef sets the keys username and password with values from the Secret sys-app-credentials. Open the /...
IsDryRun, "dry-run", true, "Dry-run flag. Has to be set to 'false' otherwise it will not apply the Custom Resources on the KCP cluster.") flag.StringVar(&result.InputType, "input-type", InputTypeJSON, "Type of input to be used. Possible values: **all** (will migrate all ...
Observed that "client" is probably kubectl, so just copied over pre-built kubectl into build directory. Test starts running but complains that my cluster size is too small (but that's how I want to deploy for now... are ConfigMaps multi-node only?): ...
Example for a simple deployment can be found in example.yaml. Depending on the cluster setup you have to grant yourself admin rights first: kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account) One can override the default di...
Example for a simple deployment can be found in example.yaml. Depending on the cluster setup you have to grant yourself admin rights first: kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account) One can override the default di...