重要的是clusterEvalQ(cl, .libPaths("/home/chenyl/software/rlib/r-3.6.1_lib"))是这句代码,有了这句代码,服务器在并行任务时,每一个节点的R都会加载这个库路径(/home/chenyl/software/rlib/r-3.6.1_lib)到R环境中,这样就能找到安装在该路径下的 'doParallel'包了。 最后 emm,今天就分享...
I can execute the ceph -s command from the first host(ceph100) but when I execute the command in the second host(ceph101), I get the following error. Error initializing cluster client: ObjectNotFound('RADOS object not found (error calling conf_read_file)') Also, when I execute the ...
[ceph-users] Re: Error initializing cluster client: ObjectNotFound('RADOS object not found (error calling conf_read_file)') Hello,
You are doing the export within the function, and the scope of pay.freq is not GlobalEnv but the local environment of the function. Yet you haven't specified the environment of the function to clusterExport, so clusterExport looks to GlobalEnv and doesn't find pay.freq. I'm willing to b...
I installed simple ceph cluster(rook version is v1.10.7) with default name rook-ceph. I'm trying to install orch with rook-ceph-tools pod but can't connect to cluster.
The error happens when the function is executed and tries to access .doSnowGlobal which is defined in the doParallel namespace, not in .GlobalEnv. You can also verify that doParallel is available on the workers by executing: > clusterEvalQ(cl, library(doParallel)) Error in checkForRemote...
Click button on web-page using power shell is not working Clone Windows 10 Cloning objects in powershell Close a powershell window when called from a batch file Close all popups pulled from running a an executable Close Excel com object without saving changes? Close Form cluster name using po...
安装成功 但是在R里加载会出现 ERROR :object ‘clusterApply’ is not exported by 'namespace:BiocGenerics' 解决办法: 移除conda 安装的包 conda remove bioconductor-monocle 根据官网安装方法,进入R里安装 if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) ...
oracle数据库迁移时,通过数据泵expdp工具导出dba_objects的secondary属性为Y的表时,提示ORA-39166: Object was not found。但是,在sqlplus里查看其确实存在,并且能够查到数据。 expdp \'/ as sysdba\' directory=dump dumpfile=S43_IDX.dmp logfile=S43_IDX.log cluster=n tables=SDE.S43_IDX$ ...
3) I can initiate VM Replica successfully in both directions using the FailoverClusterManager UI. It creates the replica, transfers the initial data and everything appears to work. However... I need to create the replica using Powershell, but when I try to do it using the Enable-VMReplic...