1.使用api调用方式(如post/get请求)获得数据,实现本地、在线大模型和embedding模型的配置读取 2.实现接口调用后实时生效,如接口中新加了一个在线大模型名称和对应调用链接(以openai或你推荐的格式封装),chat相关接口全部生效(输入名称即可立马调用,无需重启项目) 3.model_config.py文件中,如果”LLM_MODELS“字段未...
info As of February 1, 2024, new Config API tokens cannot be created in the app as Segment moves toward exclusive support for thePublic API.Migrate your implementation to the Public APIto access the latest features and available endpoints. To create a new Config API token, reach out to frie...
config.spring.ApiConfig 所有已实现的接口: org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @ComponentScan(basePackages="com.publiccms.controller.api", useDefaultFilters=false, includeFilters=, nameGenerator=FullBeanNameGenerator.class) public class ApiConfig...
git_configset_get_bool(gm_config, "submodule.frotz.ignore", &b)) { /* hack hack hack */ } /* when we are done with the configset */ git_configset_clear(&gm_config); --- Configset API provides functions for the above mentioned work flow, including: `void git_configset_init...
git_configset_get_bool(gm_config, "submodule.frotz.ignore", &b)) { /* hack hack hack */ } /* when we are done with the configset */ git_configset_clear(&gm_config); --- Configset API provides functions for the above mentioned work flow, including: `void git_configset_init...
apiKey String Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.18 An authorization string used to access a resource or service. API keys are generated and managed in your portal. An API key is tied explicitly to an ArcGIS account; it is also used to monitor service usage. Setting a fine-grained...
API Response KEYTypeDescription err_codeInt操作码,0获取配置成功,2配置已存在 err_msgString错误提示信息,err_code非0时参考此提示信息 config_valueString配置值,不存在时返回null HTTP Response Code HTTP Status CodeDescription Http Status = 200Success ...
WebApiConfig里面只有一个方法,这个方法在Global.asax文件里的Application_Start()方法被调用,Global.asax文件是一个全局文件,当我们网页启动时就会去执行它。Register(HttpConfiguration config)方法是配置WEB API路由的。 ValuesController.cs文件 这里有好几个方法,有Get()、Get(int id)、Post()、Put()、Delete()方...
WebApiConfig里面只有一个方法,这个方法在Global.asax文件里的Application_Start()方法被调用,Global.asax文件是一个全局文件,当我们网页启动时就会去执行它。Register(HttpConfiguration config)方法是配置WEB API路由的。 ValuesController.cs文件 这里有好几个方法,有Get()、Get(int id)、Post()、Put()、Delete()方...
Kepware Configuration API SDK for Python This is a package to help create Python applications to conduct operations with the Kepware Configuration API. This package is designed to work with all versions of Kepware that support the Configuration API including Thingworx Kepware Server (TKS), Thingworx...