2.5 configPlugin(..) 此方法用来配置JFinal的Plugin,如下代码配置了Druid数据库连接池插件与ActiveRecord数据库访问插件。通过以下的配置,可以在应用中使用ActiveRecord非常方便地操作数据库。 public void configPlugin(Plugins me) { DruidPlugin dp = new DruidPlugin(jdbcUrl, userName, password); me.add(dp); A...
直接上代码: publicvoidconfigPlugin(Plugins me) {//这里是在数据库的配置文件中读取数据库的一些信息DruidPlugin dbPlugin =newDruidPlugin (PropKit.get("jdbcUrl").trim(), PropKit.get("user").trim(), PropKit.get("password").trim());//这里是做映射ActiveRecordPlugin arp =newActiveRecordPlugin(dbPlu...
Config plugin for Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS applications. This plugin allows to define the settings of the application for each environment in which it will run. This plugin uses json files to maintain the settings, so a file will be configured for each environment. ...
JFinalConfig-configPlugin(插件配置) JFInal插件架构是其主要扩展方式之一,可以方便地创建插件并且应用到项目中去
npx expo install react-native-ble-plx @config-plugins/react-native-ble-plx After installing this npm package, add theconfig pluginto thepluginsarray of yourapp.jsonorapp.config.js: {"expo": {"plugins": ["@config-plugins/react-native-ble-plx"] } } ...
Config Plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI Usage Commands Usage $ aio plugins:install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config $ # OR $ aio discover -i $ aio config --help... Commands aio config list, get, set, delete, and edit persistent configuration data ...
Added config plugin to allow assets to be linked at build time. (#27052 by @alanjhughes) Add Apple TV support to the new iOS native module. (#27823 by @douglowder) expo-camera BarCodeAnalyzer now passes an additional raw field to its onComplete callback, corresponding to the barcode va...
webpack html-webpack-plugin minify:true 1 回答5.6k 阅读✓ 已解决 webpack html-webpack-plugin 创建 HTML失败? 6 回答14.9k 阅读 webpack引入ts后html-webpack-plugin报错 2 回答3.5k 阅读✓ 已解决 html-loader和html-webpack-plugin处理html时冲突Failed to decode param 1 回答11.8k 阅读 webpack使...
struts2被很多新手诟病的一个地方在于“配置过于复杂”,相信不少初学者因为这个直接改投Spring-MVC了。convention-plugin、 config-browser-plugin这二个插件的出现,很大程度改善了这个囧境。 简言之:convention-plugin采用"约定大于配置”的思想,只要我们遵守约定,完全可以少写配置甚至不写配置;而config-browser-plugin则...