Presents an inside look at what really goes on when you step through the door of a car dealership. How salesmen sort out the buyers; Steering the customer toward certain cars; Sticking to a previously arranged script; Meeting with the dealer's finance man; A dealer describes his worst and ...
Confessions of a New Car Salesman 作者:James Lassiter 出版社:AuthorHouse 副标题:(The "How To" Buy a New Car, Made Simple) 出版年:2006-02-17 页数:20060201 定价:USD 12.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781425918484 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
一个女保险营销员的自白(Confessions of a woman insurance salesman).doc,一个女保险营销员的自白(Confessions of a woman insurance salesman) Confessions of a woman insurance salesman - Li Xiaoan / Mo Huaiqi Last year, a victory I finally become our life-i
THE WOMAN WARRIOR_ MEMOIRS OF A GIRLHOOD AMONG GHOSTS - KINGSTON, MAXINE HONG 热度: 一个女保险营销员的自白(Confessionsofawomaninsurancesalesman) Confessionsofawomaninsurancesalesman -LiXiaoan/MoHuaiqi Lastyear,avictoryIfinallybecomeourlife-insurancecompanytosellthehighestamountofsales. ...
paranoid. Maybe it was just a salesman. She had no reason to believe that authoritative voice was here for her. Any man who wanted to meet with her could go make an appointment through her agent or Nels or any number of other channels. They wouldn’t hunt her down in a wedding ...
I had a brand new digital camera in the boot of the car, so I parked as close to the apartment block as I could and sat with the camera on my lap. It had a telephoto lens and the salesman had assured me that it was state-of-the-art.Being digital, I could use my computer to ...
we are bound to take them seriously as historical factors, nomatter how silly, naive or misguided they might seem to, say, a prag-matic suburban car salesman or a worldly advertising executive. It isquite true, as Lyndal Roper has suggested, that we cannot read witch-craft confessions as ...
Anything less was to be a complete failure in her eyes. “It’s never too late,” my Jewish mother kept scolding me. I was a straight-commissioned salesman for a manufacturer of cleaning products and this was not the kind of profession my mother could brag about to her Jewish friends. ...
Advertising is such a place in between two things. It’s the things we say to clients versus things we say to each other: The difference is the the used car salesman on one end and the other extreme European scarf-wearing creatives who think that any logo in the commercial is the worst...
A salesman took my order, looked at me, and said loftily, "Ow yer goin' ter take it?" In reply I only stared dumbly, because I had no idea what "it" was. He shrugged29 his shoulders and retired30, presently bringing forward an iron drum full of treacle31, which he plumped before...