the White House Situation Room receive minute-by-minute update 分享201 生物化石女孩吧 生物化石女孩 【TED】Bonnie Bassler: How bacteria "talk"| Talk Transcript | 0:11 Bacteria are the oldest living organisms on the ...
Accepted10 June 2024 Published13 July 2024 Issue DateAugust 2024 DOI Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Use...
flo2 than for FLO2 in developing grains; moreover, the transcript level of flo2(CNY8-1) and flo2(CNY8-2), which both exhibited aberrant splicing, was more severely decreased than that of flo2(CNY8-3), the mutant with the non-synonymous substitution on the TPR motif (Table 1, Fig....
A previously unidentified alternatively spliced isoform of t(8;21) transcript promotes leukemogenesis. Nat Med 2006; 12: 945–949. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Castaigne S, Daniel MT, Tilly H, Herait P, Degos L . Does treatment with ARA-C in low dosage cause differentiation of ...
Date: 2020-03-05 真核生物基因组通过三维空间结构介导染色质相互作用调节基因转录,继而控制生物体的生长发育。基因组根据不同分辨率可以分为不同结构单元,包括不同的区室,拓扑结构域(TAD)和染色质环。其中,染色质环介导增强子和启动子的...
In this study, genome-wide sequencing yielded a broad set of can- didate genes. A total of 132 genes were found to have non-synonymous amino acid mutations in the resistant strain YP-1 relative to the F. graminearum reference strain PH-1. Because more than half of the mutated genes ...
Having observed only partial role of CAT and SOD2 in exosome-mediated chemoresistance, we focused our attention onDCK, whose expression was decreased in Gem-Exo-treated PC cells. We first investigated the mechanism that causedDCKdownregulation in Gem-Exo-treated PC cells as no DCK transcript was...
ABCA1-specific primers in iris, ciliary body (CB), retina, optic nerve head (ONH), optic nerve (ON) and normal (NTM) and glaucomatous (GTM) trabecular meshwork cell lines (respectively, NTM-5 and GTM-3) corresponds to the expected size of the predominant transcript encoded by the gene...
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the esophagus triggered by immune hypersensitivity to food. Multiple lines of evidence, including molecular transcript profiling, cytokine expression, and genetic studies have highlighted its close relationship with type 2 immune responses,...