(Psychology) psychol the alteration in responding that occurs when two stimuli are regularly paired in close succession: the response originally given to the second stimulus comes to be given to the first. See also conditioned response Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...
Condition stimulus explains why Pavlov's dogs drool when they hear a bell, it is a learned response. Learn the definition, the difference of unconditioned stimulus vs. conditioned stimulus, and see conditioned stimulus examples. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What is a Conditioned Sti...
psychological science,psychology- the science of mental life innate,unconditioned,unlearned- not established by conditioning or learning; "an unconditioned reflex" 2.conditioned- physically fit; "exercised daily to keep herself in condition"
Delayed Gratification | Overview & Differences Delayed Gratification | Definition & Examples Neutral Stimulus | Definition & Examples Start today. Try it now Psychology 102: Educational Psychology 11 chapters | 127 lessons | 9 flashcard sets Ch 1. History and Educational Aims Educational ...
The concepts of conditioned and unconditioned stimulus are fundamental to theclassical conditioningprocess, a type of learningprocessidentified by Ivan Pavlov and extensively studied in the field of psychology. There are different types of stimuli in the natural world namelyneutral, conditioned,anduncondi...
Definition A conditioned stimulus is any stimulus that prior to learning did not induce any particular response. Yet, through the acquisition of an association with a biologically significant stimulus it acquires the ability to induce a response that is qualitatively similar with the one that the bio...
astimulusthatelicitsanunconditionedresponse;forexample,foodis anunconditionedstimulusforsalivation,whichinturnis anunconditionedresponsein ahungryanimal.See:classical conditioning. FarlexPartnerMedicalDictionary©Farlex2012 n.Psychology Astimulusthatevokesanunconditionedresponse. ...
unconditioned stimulus (the unconditioned response—UR). In fear conditioning, the US is an aversive fear-eliciting stimulus such as painful electric shock or loud noise, the CS is a neutral tone or light stimulus. The unconditioned and the conditioned response consist of changes on the ...
Psychology definition for Conditioned Compensatory Response in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
noun ,Psychology. a response that becomes associated with a previously unrelated stimulus as a result of pairing the stimulus with another stimulus normally yielding the response. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofconditioned response1 ...