Define conditioned stimulus. conditioned stimulus synonyms, conditioned stimulus pronunciation, conditioned stimulus translation, English dictionary definition of conditioned stimulus. n. Psychology A previously neutral stimulus that, after repeated asso
Reflex in Psychology | Definition, Examples & Conditioning Stimulus Discrimination Definition & Examples Disinhibition Definition, Causes & Examples Perceptual Learning Styles: Definition & Examples How Cognition Affects Conditioning Processes Habituation | Definition & Examples Discrimination Learning & Training ...
The present experiment (W=72) employed a differential conditioning procedure to investigate the effects of fear-relevance of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and postacquisition exposure to the unconditioned stimulus (US) on the retention of human autonomic conditioning and relational learning. The CSs ...
time, in a psychology laboratory training class. The timing of stimulus elevation was controlled by a metronome, and the elevation time was about 1s. Relative and absolute judgments were used to judge the paired stimuli. In the relative judgment, the second stimulus was judged in three cases ...