According to my understanding VHDL-2008 should allow conditional assignment as a sequential statement, that is in clocked processes. However I get a syntax error 10500 in the below code fragment. Is that a bug in Quartus or an error on my side? In the latter case, what...
All the conditional waveforms in a Conditional Signal Assignment must have the same number of elements. ACTION: Change the conditional waveforms so they all have the same number of elements. For the previous example, you can change the first conditional waveform so i...
You shouldn't get a 2:1 mux for a conditional assignment with a condition that's a compile-time constant. You could use a conditional generate, but VHDL doesn't have an if/else version of a generate, e.g. GEN_TRUE: if (GENERIC_A > GENERIC_B) generate begin signal_a <= signal_...
According to my understanding VHDL-2008 should allow conditional assignment as a sequential statement, that is in clocked processes. However I get a syntax error 10500 in the below code fragment. Is that a bug in Quartus or an error on my side? In the latter case, what should th...
According to my understanding VHDL-2008 should allow conditional assignment as a sequential statement, that is in clocked processes. However I get a syntax error 10500 in the below code fragment. Is that a bug in Quartus or an error on my side? In the latter case...