必应词典为您提供conditionalanalysis的释义,网络释义: 条件分析;条件分析下;
一、为什么要做GWAS的条件分析(conditional analysis) 我们做GWAS的时候,经常扫出一堆显著的信号,假设rs121是我们扫出来与某表型最显著相关的位点(P=1.351e-36),rs124尾随其后(6.673e-22),也是与该表型显著相关,那么这个时候,我们就有问题了:这个rs124位点是真的与该表型显著相关,还是因为rs124与rs121高度连锁...
这时就应该进行条件分析(conditional analysis),实际上是一种fine-mapping(对casual SNP 致病SNP的精确定位)的方法,目的是确认是否存在次要的因果SNP secondary causal variants。 一般来说进行条件分析的方法很简单, 1.从GWAS结果中抽出每个关联基因座的leading SNP, 2.将该leading SNP作为协变量加入检验模型 3.再次...
一、为什么要做GWAS的条件分析(conditional analysis)我们做GWAS的时候,经常扫出一堆显著的信号,假设rs121是我们扫出来与某表型最显著相关的位点(P=1.351e-36),rs124尾随其后(6.673e-22),也是与该表型显著相关,那么这个时候,我们就有问题了:这个rs124位点是真的与该表型显著相关,还是因为rs124与rs121高度连锁不...
网络释义 1. 条件分析 条件分析(conditional Analysis) / 标明模式(specification).【杀】男女POLO↘149起 .日本萌牌★庆开馆↘2件85折 .【降】不… mypaper.pchome.com.tw|基于2个网页 2. 条件分析下 ...iao and Lin(2004)疛研究基础下加入条件分析下(conditional analysis),跟随三大法人净买卖超投资策略在...
Chapter 6. Performing Conditional Analysis Up until now, your analyses have been straightforward. You build a query, you add some criteria, you add a calculation, you save the query, then … - Selection from The Excel® Analyst's Guide to Access® [
The Conditional AnalysisHeller, Mark
We analyze conditional optimization problems arising in discrete time Principal-Agent problems of delegated portfolio optimization with linear contracts. Applying tools from Conditional Analysis we show that some results known in the literature for very specific instances of the problem carry over to transl...
According to the simple conditional analysis (SCA), the necessary and sufficient conditions for s having D can be symbolized as follows:$$ {\text{Ds}} \leftrightarrow ({\text{Es }} \to {\text{Ms}}) $$which is to be read as: s has Disposition D if and only if: If s were ...
This paper investigates the influence that CEO tenure may have on firm growth. We hypothesize that the effect of CEO tenure is conditional on the firm's growth rate. The empirical analysis reveals that the effect on growth is negative in high-growth firms and positive in low-growth firms. Th...