Also called: Hardening of the Arteries Arteriosclerosis is a condition where the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body (arteries) become thick and stiff — possibly restricting how much blood gets to your organs and tissues. ...
A moreserious conditionthan hardening of the arteries, however, is hardening of the heart, and it cannot be prevented by any wonder drug.───但有一种比心血管硬化更可怕的疾病,而且没有任何特效药可以预防,那就是刚硬的心。 If the swelling is sudden or moves to your hands and face, it may...
...帮其头部和背部进行包扎,随后送往医院治疗,院方宣布游某伤势严重(serious condition),但应该没有生命危险。|基于22个网页 2. 游金业伤势严重 ...Bellevue Hospital)治疗,院方宣布游金业伤势严重(serious condition),但应该没有生命危险。
Changes in the temporal lobe lead to language and emotional disorders Vascular dementia, which involves changes to the brain's blood supply. It is often caused by astrokeoratherosclerosis(hardening of the arteries) in the brain. Mixed dementia, which is a combination of two or more types of ...
Remarkably, excessive FA can fix brain tissues and lead to the hardening of tissue106. Especially, FA can crosslink ECM proteins107. Hence, FA-deposited ECM protein in the ECS is a direct factor of increasing the tortuosity of brain ECS and impeding ISF drainage. FA-crosslinked Aβ ...
Remarkably, excessive FA can fix brain tissues and lead to the hardening of tissue106. Especially, FA can crosslink ECM proteins107. Hence, FA-deposited ECM protein in the ECS is a direct factor of increasing the tortuosity of brain ECS and impeding ISF drainage. FA-crosslinked Aβ ...
The most dangerous heart disease: strong memory — Nizar Qabbani 172 As the arteries grow hard, the heart grows soft. — H. L. Mencken 66 The heart of the human problem, is the problem of the human heart. — Oswald J. Smith 31 Why is your heart racing Tris? — Veronica Roth ...
coronary artery disease(hardening of the arteries); heart disease, heart rhythm disorder. severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure. overactivethyroid. glaucoma. if you are pregnant. if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse; or
...帮其头部和背部进行包扎,随后送往医院治疗,院方宣布游某伤势严重(serious condition),但应该没有生命危险。|基于22个网页 2. 游金业伤势严重 ...Bellevue Hospital)治疗,院方宣布游金业伤势严重(serious condition),但应该没有生命危险。
...帮其头部和背部进行包扎,随后送往医院治疗,院方宣布游某伤势严重(serious condition),但应该没有生命危险。|基于22个网页 2. 游金业伤势严重 ...Bellevue Hospital)治疗,院方宣布游金业伤势严重(serious condition),但应该没有生命危险。