Looking for online definition of HARDS in the Medical Dictionary? HARDS explanation free. What is HARDS? Meaning of HARDS medical term. What does HARDS mean?
and instant noodles, and other UPFs with trans fats and hydrogenated oils all should ideally be avoided”. Read labels before you buy any food product. Hydrogenated oils and trans fats are increasing LDL cholesterol leading to premature hardening of the arteries. This can cause strokes and heart...
What is the medical term for blood flow through tissues? Thevascular system, also called the circulatory system, is made up of the vessels that carry blood and lymph through the body. The arteries and veins carry blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues ...
Patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), an autoimmune disease that causes skin inflammation, have a higher risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), or hardening of the arteries, UT Southwestern ... Jan 13, 2025 0
1.Wordrootscannotstandalone.Usuallyasuffixmustbeaddedtocompleteamedicalterm.2.Therulesforcreatingacombiningformbyaddingavowelapplywhenasuffixbeginningwithaconsonantisaddedtoawordroot.3.Whenaprefixisnecessary,itisalwaysplacedatthe beginningoftheword.1.Asuffixusually,butnotalways,indicatesthe procedure,condition,...
Arterio-/angio- arteries动脉 Veno-/vena- venous静脉的 Vasculo- vascular血管的 Musculo- muscle Myo-/Sarco- muscle Skelet- skeleton/bone Osteo- bone Cyto- cell -cyte cell/cellular Neck&thoracic organs Thyro- thyroid甲状腺 Trachea- trachea气管,导管 ...
Arteriosclerosis is hardening of the arteries. The walls of arteries have a layer of muscle and elastic tissue that makes them flexible and able to dilate and constrict as blood flows through them. High blood pressure can make the artery walls thicken and harden. When artery walls thicken, the...
A vegetarian diet, as prescribed by Dr. Dean Ornish, has been shown to improve heart disease and reverse the effects ofatherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. It should be noted that Dr. Ornish's diet was used in conjunction withexercise, stress reduction, and other holistic methods. ...
atherosclerosis), calcification of the wall of the arteries, or thickening of themuscular Heart Disease: Causes of a Heart Attack Reviewed By:Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD Reviewed on2/14/2022 What Is Heart Disease? Heart disease refers to conditions that involve the heart, its vessels, muscl...
Erectile dysfunction drugs may trigger temporary hypotension (low blood pressure) and is known to increase cardiovascular nerve activity, so physicians should prescribe them with caution in men with a history of heart attack, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), angina, arrhythmia, and chronic...