conda install --use-localyour_package.tar.gz your_package写绝对路径。 或者进入conda install 缓存文件路径anaconda/pkgs,再写package的名字。
General syntax to install the specific version of Python packages ispip install <python_package_name>==<version>. If you don’t specify the version, the latest version of the Python package will be installed. If you want to install the older version, you need to provide the specific version...
conda config --append channels conda-forge conda install需要安装的包名 方法二:在官网搜索相关包的安装指令并运行 点击命令行提示的连接,即官网:,在页面搜索需要的包,复制下方任意一条指令在命令行运行即可。 PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current chan...
安装了包用不了?解决对策 之前遇到创建conda环境之后用pip命令安装包出现如下报错: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。: 'C:\\Python311\\Scripts\\wheel.exe' -> 'C:\\Python311\\Scripts\\wheel.exe.deleteme' 后来发现用管理员模式安装就可以,...
Conda quickly installs, runs, and updatespackages and their dependencies. Conda easily creates, saves, loads, andswitches between environments on your local computer. If you need a packagethat requires a different version of Python, you can use conda to set up atotally separate environment to ru...
首先是基础性的tm包。tm包是R文本挖掘的通用包。直接使用install.package即可安装。 install.packages("t...
How does the defaults channel work, and how is it different from the anaconda channel in terms of how it gets packages, which ones go into it, and the stability of said packages? I read the best practices is to install packages to a new environment rather than the base. I guess I ass...
2.1报错:PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: 2.1.1 解决方案1:用pip install X来安装X包,发现可以找到包并下载,然后等待能否successfully。 解决方法1-1:针对pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL问题:重新编译Python3安装文件,加上-...
conda install r 错误提示: CondaVerificationError: The package for sysroot_linux-64 located at 【USER HOME】/anaconda3/pkgs/sysroot_linux-64-2.17-h57e8cba_10 appears to be corrupted. 解决步骤 rm -rf ~/anaconda3/pkgs/sysroot_linux-64-2.17-h57e8cba_10 conda clean --packages --tarballs ...
had python 2.7. when I open Anaconda prompt and run conda info. I can say to you that I have conda 4.8i created an environment called openalea and then I tried to install the packages (core, deploy, visualea, plantgl, mtg) following the packages instructions (e.g.