We should remove the defaults channel from our conda environment.yml files, as Anaconda no longer provides usage of this on a free basis. Removing it should have limited or no effect on all / the majority of packages. This channel has been removed from the base conda environment file used ...
conda config --show channels # 删除指定镜像源 biocondaconda config --remove channels bioconda # 添加指定镜像源 biocondaconda config --add channels bioconda # 查看Default Channel默认站点 conda config --show default_channels # 查看Community Channels/channel_alias默认站点 conda config --show channel_...
eg:conda config --append channels defaults --append channels conda-forge --append channels bioconda 删除channel conda config --remove channels https ://http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/ 删除default conda config --remove channels defaults 6 pip安装链接内的包 安装TensorFlow时候...
(conda config --show 查看所有config(配置)) channel添加 使用命令:conda config --add channels add_url 1. 添加指定的url,到channel里。 我们查看当前所有channel看看 一开始,我们下载好Anaconda仅仅包含默认下载channel-default。通常,我们会添加国内的镜像源,镜像源包含清华源和中科大源。 而添加channel的步骤除了...
conda config --remove channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/ 清除索引缓存 conda clean -i 常用源 默认源: https://repo.anaconda.com/ 清华源: channels: - defaults show_channel_urls:truedefault_channels: ...
Changes conda setup to run conda config --remove channels defaults when nodefaults is found in the channels input instead of adding the - nodefaults channel. I.e. - uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda with: channels: conda-forge,nodefaults channel-priority: strict Will correctly give channel...
Usage:pipenv[OPTIONS]COMMAND[ARGS]...Options:--where Output project home information.--venv Output virtualenv information.--py Output Python interpreter information.--envs Output Environment Variable options.--rm Remove the virtualenv.--bare Minimal output.--man Display manpage.--support Output diag...
clean Remove unused packages and caches.compare Compare packages between conda environments.config Modify configuration valuesin.condarc.This is modeled after the git config command.Writes to the user.condarcfile(/Users/cynthia/.condarc)bydefault.create Create anewcondaenvironment from a listofspecified ...
channel_alias: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda default_channels: - https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/main - https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free - https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/r ...
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes (5)删除default指令(也可以通过找到.condarc文件手动删除,必须在设置检索路径后才会生成.condarc文件,路径在C:\Users\<你的电脑名字> 下就会生成配置文件.condarc,用记事本打开文件,手动删除-defaults) conda config --remove channels defaults ...