一、打包 conda pack -n python-37-zxr --ignore-editable-packages --dest-prefix /opt/conda/envs/python-37-zxr 二、进入沙箱 singularity shell --writable pt37 mkdir-p /opt/conda/envs/python-37-zxrtar-xzf python-37-zxr.tar.gz -C /opt/conda/envs/python-37-zxr source /opt/conda/bin/...
首先安装conda pack pip install conda-pack 在A服务器下,首先激活 `Test`环境,之后 conda pack 将在当前目录下,生成对应 `Test.tar.gz`文件。并将`Test.tar.gz`文件文件拷贝到B服务器。 如果有通过 Git 安装的库,例如 clip, 通过pip install -e .安装的话,需要加上 --ignore-editable-packages 指令 即:...
1.首先要安装一个打包工具 conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack 2.进入到开发环境 进入到开发环境中去 source activate *** 或者 conda activate *** # 不同的Anaconda版本这个命令会有区别 开始打包 conda pack -n 虚拟环境的名字 -o output_name.tar.gz --ignore-editable-packages 至此,会生成一个t...
1.在base环境:pip install conda-pack 2.conda-pack -n 要打包的环境名 注意:如果有用pip install -e或setup.py安装的包,需要conda-pack -n 环境名 --ignore-editable-packages 因为pip install -e或setup.py事实上没加入到site-package文件夹,而是生成了一个egg-info目录,和site-packge链接,相当于有个了快...
针对您遇到的 condapackerror: cannot pack an environment with editable packages 错误,这是在使用 conda-pack 打包conda环境时常见的问题,因为 conda-pack 不支持打包包含可编辑包(editable packages)的环境。可编辑包通常是通过 pip install -e . 或python setup.py develop 安装的,它们会在开发过程中保持对源代...
I have a setting where I want to pack an environment with editable packages. For these package, I have a dedicated mechanism to restore them on environment recreation. Would it be possible to add a flag to the packing mechanism that doesn't bundle them?
ignore_editable_packages : bool, optional Don't error on installed editable packages. Default is False. Returns --- @@ -440,11 +442,12 @@ def pack(name=None, prefix=None, output=None, format='infer', print("Collecting packages...") if prefix: env = CondaEnv.from_prefix(prefix) ...
This error looks like: In order to fix this error, we can add–ignore-editable-packages For example: conda pack -n py37_yzl -o py37_yzl_llm.tar.gz --ignore-editable-packages Then, you will find this error is fixed.
conda pack -nmy_env -o output_name.tar.gz Notes: if show following errors CondaPackError: Cannot pack an environment with editable packages installed (e.g. frompython setup.py developor pip install -e). Editable packages found: sloved by adding--ignore-editable-packages, such as the follo...
1、把当前需要的conda环境进行打包(避免动态链接库) pip install conda-pack conda pack -n env_name -o new_env_name.tar.gz --ignore-editable-packages 2、将打包的conda环境迁移到其他位置的conda环境下(env) """在新的conda环境下的env路径下创建文件夹,把打包的文件解压到里面,最后激活""" ...