A "solver" is the core component of most package managers; it calculates which dependencies (and which version of those dependencies) to install when a user requests to install a package from a package repository. To address growth-related challenges within the conda ecosystem, the conda maintaine...
conda remove 库名 或 pip uninstall 包名 卸载库/包 conda remove --name 环境名 库名 卸载指定环境中的库 conda remove --name 环境名 --all 删除环境 conda env remove -n <环境名称> 删除环境 conda --version 显示conda版本号 conda list 或 pip list 查看已安装的包/库的信息 conda info --envs...
@earthstrider your solution would work but this would skip SSL verification of the server thereby defeating the purpose of HTTPS(a secure connection). I would personally not recommend using this option. Please try to use a better alternative for this problem. :) ...
opencv下载成功后,有些东西被动了,导致我的conda无法征程运行了。 报错如下 Errorwhileloading conda entry point: conda-libmamba-solver(libarchive.so.19: cannotopenshared object file: No suchfileor directory)CondaValueError: You have chosen a non-default solver backend(libmamba)but it was not recognized...
fix #7184 remove conflicting specs to find solution to user's active request (#7719) fix #7706 add condacmd dir to cmd.exe path on first activation (#7735) fix #7761 spec handling errors in 4.6.0b0 (#7780) fix #7770 'conda list regex' only applies regex to package name (#7784) ...
We can use this with TensorFlow, but it runs on the CPU as can be verified with this code: test_gpu.py importtensorflowastfasserttf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') Adding GPU Support Tensorflow official documentation Miniconda is the recommended approach for installing TensorFlow with GPU supp...
How to create and install Conda requirements.txt I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ...
: cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again I then, environment - remember, the command you need to use with Conda is conda deactivate, conda activate command becomes the new official way to activate an environment across, is not active, type: $ conda env remove...
But you may still be able to access the packages. To delete Miniconda completely from the system, edit ~/.bash_profile and remove the Miniconda directory from the PATH variable. You will no longer have access to Conda packages. To verify the installation of Conda, type: conda list This ...
当你在使用conda时遇到错误“cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again”,这通常意味着你正在尝试删除当前激活的conda环境。以下是如何解决这个问题的步骤,分点说明: 1. 停止当前conda环境 首先,你需要确保你不是在尝试删除的环境中操作。这通常意味着你需要从当前激活的环境中退出。你...