“‘conda’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” indicates that the Command Prompt cannot find the conda program, blocking the use of Anaconda’s command-line tools. This is usually because the Anaconda folder isn’t included in the sys...
为了解决这个问题,您可以尝试以下几种方法:方法一:更改VSCode默认终端 打开VSCode的设置界面。 在搜索框中输入“terminal.integrated.shell.windows”,找到并点击“编辑 in settings.json”。 在打开的settings.json文件中,将“terminal.integrated.shell.windows”的值从“null”改为“Command Prompt”。 保存设置并关闭...
I've been attempting to deal with this issue all evening. I'm attempting to run code in the VSCode terminal and get the "Your shell has not been properly configured..." I'd like to try some of these solutions but I have no idea what "nameoftheenvironment", "my_env", "<your_envir...
先检查直接打开powershell而不经过vscode, 能不能正常激活conda.在vscode的setting.json中加这一句, 让vs...
# 列出所有虚拟环境 conda env list # 创建虚拟环境 conda create -n name python=3.6 # 删除...
Working on conda on Windows means I need 4 conda base envs on my machine at time, two pythons by 32, 64-bit and I want to be able to have totally different versions of conda in each one (so the envs subdirs could be subtly different, and older condas cannot manage envs that ...
如果我运行 xterm -hold 在新的终端中,我键入 conda activate my_environment conda环境"my_environment“确实被激活了。 但是,当使用-e标志传递此命令时,它不起作用: xterm -hold -e "conda activate my_environment" 相反,它返回以下错误消息: CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured...
I have a fresh install of Intel Distribution for Python 2020.1 on Windows 10 and am running into the problem that "conda update" is not working. It fails on the Intel packages. e.g. "An error occurred while uninstalling package '<unknown>::intel-openmp-2020.0-intel_166'"....
in clone_env force_extract=False, index_args=index_args) File "/opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/latest/lib/python3.7/site-packages/conda/misc.py", line 90, in explicit assert not any(spec_pcrec[1] is None for spec_pcrec in specs_pcrecs) AssertionError ...
$env:VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT = 0 关闭powershell 7,重新打开,效果如下: 5、一些设置 (1)更改启动powershell 7的默认目录,修改$PROFILE文件(如果安装了VS code,可以使用code $PROFILE)。 set-location C:\自己的路径 (2)更新powershell 7,在powershell 7中输入以下命令。注意开始安装后关掉所有打开的power...