首先,你需要打开一个终端窗口。在Windows上,你可以按下Win键并键入’cmd’,然后选择’Command Prompt’;在Mac或Linux上,你可以打开终端应用程序。一旦你打开了终端,你需要激活你的conda环境。如果你已经知道环境的名称,你可以使用以下命令激活环境:对于Windows:activate 环境名称对于Mac或Linux:source activate 环境名称如...
“‘conda’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” indicates that the Command Prompt cannot find the conda program, blocking the use of Anaconda’s command-line tools. This is usually because the Anaconda folder isn’t included in the...
先检查直接打开powershell而不经过vscode, 能不能正常激活conda.在vscode的setting.json中加这一句, 让vs...
condaupgrade --all命令用来对所有工具包进行升级配置好环境变量后,windows+R进入命令行输入:condaupgrade --all,报错如下:(通过conda--version查看是否安装完成) 网络上有很多解决的办法,更换镜像,删除默认镜像等。其实,不用这么麻烦,只需要进入Anaconda自带的AnacondaPrompt下重新输入condaupgrade ...
But in Command Prompt or Nushell, I can use miniconda and activate the venv without error. I tried uninstalling PowerShell and using the 5 version, but it didn't work. I tried reinstalling miniconda, that didn't work either. When I uninstalled conda, all errors disappeared. ...
@samhaese made their first contribution in #13465 23.11.0 (2023-11-30) Special announcement New menuinst v2 support! conda has supported Start menu items on Windows for a long time. This is what allows users to open up their Miniconda prompt on CMD (Command Prompt) with an initialized co...
M1芯片出来了有一段时间了,各类软件的兼容性已经跟进的差不多了,迫于 M1 实在太香,我的 M1 Mac...
The following built-inandplugins subcommandsareavailable. COMMAND build Build conda packagesfroma conda recipe. clean Remove unused packagesandcaches. compare Compare packagesbetweenconda environments. config Modify configurationvaluesin.condarc. content-trust Signingandverification toolsforCondaconvertConvertpure...
Conda in Windows under MSYS2 and Zsh 的问题解决 在Window11上使用git bash 安装zsh,并配置p10k主题,主要问题就是prompt中无法显示conda env;conda activate/deactivate 命令不能正常使用; 总结其实就是一个核心问题,\r,\n,\r\n的区别; Errors likes these: ...
It allows an administrator to protect what is in the base environment. If packages are needed in the base environment, elevate the privileges to administrator from the Command Prompt and run install commands. Windows环境多用户 Multi-user Anaconda installation on Windows Download the Anaconda installer...