Conda是一个流行的包管理工具,它提供了方便的方式来安装、更新和管理Python库。如果你想在新环境中快速地安装所有已安装的Python库,可以使用Conda的一行代码。首先,打开Anaconda Prompt(Windows)或终端(Mac/Linux)。然后,输入以下命令:conda list --export > installed_packages.txt这个命令将列出你当前环境中所有已安装...
#查看conda环境下安装的R的版本 conda list r-base #打开conda安装的R(从安装路径中获取环境路径,bin文件中是可执行的软件) ~/miniconda3/envs/r_432/bin/R ~/miniconda3/envs/r_432/lib/R/bin/R 查看conda安装的R包 ##打开 Conda 环境中的 R,并运行installed.packages(),这样能看到版本号 installed.p...
Hello, is there a way to find out which packages of conda list have been installed directly/manually been requested using the conda install command as opposed to dependencies installed by conda automatically?
List all packages in the current environment:: conda list List all packages installed into the environment 'myenv':: conda list -n myenv List all packages that begin with the letters "py", using regex:: conda list ^py Save packages for future use:: conda list --export > package-list....
If conda is installing packages with the correct metadata, then pip should recognise them. So either this is a problem with conda not following the relevant standards, or there is something else causing pip to not see the installed packages. Either way, it doesn't immediately seem like it's...
List the packages installed in the current environment, and confirm that keras and pytorch are installed. %conda list The output is similar to the following: # packages in environment at /u01/.conda/envs/myenv: # # Name Version Build Channel _libgcc_mutex 0.1 main _openmp_mutex 5.1 1_gnu...
用pip指令安装需要的包(尽量用conda install,除非conda源中没有,则用pip) pip install xxx 发现conda list中没有列出该包,且import无法导入 可能的原因 1.base环境下有包,在另一个环境下下载同样的包,就会关联上,不用真的下载,直接复制过去或者关联 解决:在base环境中删除该包,之后在xxx环境中重新安装该包 (...
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: blas anaconda/pkgs/main/win-64::blas-1.0-mkl certifi anaconda/pkgs/main/win-64::certifi-2021.5.30-py36haa95532_0 icc_rt anaconda/pkgs/main/win-64::icc_rt-2019.0.0-h0cc432a_1 intel-openmp anaconda/pkgs/main/win-64::intel-openmp-2021.3.0-...
***installing help indices**buildingpackageindices**testingifinstalledpackagecan be loaded from temporary location**testingifinstalledpackagecan be loaded fromfinallocation**testingifinstalledpackagekeeps a record of temporary installation path*DONE(ggpubr)Thedownloaded source packages are in ...
conda list 5.解决conda install 下载速度慢 #例如, 添加清华anaconda镜像:conda config --add channels config--add channels config--set show_channel_urls yes ...