configure: error: Cannot use cairo-ft backend, although cairo claims it is working. Please check your caito installation and/or update cairo if necessary or set CAIRO_CFLAGS/CAIRO_LIBS accordingly.采用类似办法:conda install -c anaconda cairo 然而提示:然后:install.packages('Cairo')...
/usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda install r-cairo /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda remove R /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda remove -c r r-essentials /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda install altair --channel conda-forge /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda insta...
/usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda install -c conda-forge ggplot --no-deps /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda install -c r r-essentials /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda install netcdf4 /usr/local/software/anaconda3/bin/conda install r-cairo /usr/local/software/anaconda3/b...
conda install django rest framework - Shell-Bash (1) 安装Cairo 如果您需要在您的项目中创建矢量图形,您可能需要安装 Cairo 库。Cairo 库是一个功能强大的矢量图形库,它提供了许多用于矢量图形渲染和绘制的功能。 您可以使用 Conda 包管理器轻松安装 Cairo 库。如果您还没有安装 Conda,请先安装 Conda。 要安装...
copy_pagecreate_similarcontent width heightfinishflushget_contentget_device_offsetget_fallback_resolution...
conda install -c conda-forge r-stringi r-curl r-cairo libnetcdf # r-stringi 是因为网络原因可能在 R 环境下无法安装成功 stringi,r-curl 是 R 中安装 curl 包缺少 libcurl,r-cario 是 R 中安装 Cario 包缺少头部文件,libnetcdf 安装 R 包 ncdf4 需要的依赖 ...
I tried to install tesserocr, but I had follow errors: conda install conda-forge::tesserocr Channels: - defaults - conda-forge - anaconda - pytorch Platform: win-64 Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: F:\ProgramD...
Machine details: Centos server 6.3 (where I don't have root access) 64 bit Conda version: 4.3.29 Python version: Python 2.7.13 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit) R version: R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) Owing to the R version being 3.3.2, I am u...
在激活conda环境之后和启动rstudio之前尝试export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX/lib
make all install pixman/cairo的安装会遇到一些Error: $PATH/anaconda3/lib/libpng16.a(pngrutil.o): In functionpng_inflate_claim: $PATH/package_install/libpng-1.6.36/pngrutil.c:429: undefined reference toinflateValidate or something like undefined reference toinflateValidate@ZLIB_1.2.9 ...