show valid choices in error messages for enums (#8602) freeze already-installed packages when runningconda installas a first attempt, to speed up the solve in existing envs. Fall back to full solve as necessary (#8260, #8626) add optimization criterion to prefer arch over noarch packages wh...
use cPickle in place of pickle for repodata (#4717) ignore pyc compile failure (#4719) use conda.exe for windows entry point executable (#4716, #4720) localize use of conda_signal_handler (#4730) add skip_safety_checks configuration parameter (#4767) never symlink executables using ...
折腾了一个下午,发现了一个极好用的包h5py:将数据储存在hdf5文件中。速度,内存占用,压缩程度都比cPickle+gzip来的优秀。相比之下上面两个变逗比了……我把所有图片都放在一个ndarray并保存为一个文件:8190张图片的.mat 16GB, 81900图片的.pkl.gz Python接管h5...