name: r-de channels: - conda-forge - bioconda dependencies: - r-base=4.1 - r-tidyverse - r-dendextend - r-optparse - r-ggrepel - bioconductor-deseq2 - bioconductor-edger - bioconductor-limma - bioconductor-complexheatmap - bioconductor-rtracklayer ...
Summary: Tools to create a layout for figures made of multiple panels, and to fill the panels with base, 'lattice', 'ggplot2' and 'ComplexHeatmap' plots, grobs, as well as content from all image formats supported by 'ImageMagick' (accessed through 'magick'). ...
upset plot我们已经介绍了多种画法,包括最流行的UpsetR,还介绍了使用complexHeatmap包画upset plot,以及ggupset包。这些包各有各的特色,基本用法差不多,在一些组合图形方面各有不同,大家可以翻看之前的文章。 04 PSI4程序安装及运行 PSI4是一款用C++和Python编写的开源量子化学程序。除支持大部分常见的计算方法和任...