尝试使用:conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack 复制压缩文件到新的电脑环境 进到conda的安装目录:/anaconda(或者miniconda)/envs/ # 对于 ubuntu 可以通过 whereis conda 查看 conda的安装路径 # cd 到 conda 的安装路径 mkdir environment # 解压conda环境: tar -xzvf environment.tar.gz -C environment ...
前两天有个胖友问我gatk 3.8的版本在哪里下,下载好了之后怎么安装,我果断打开了https://bioconda.github.io/recipes,告诉她安装conda吧,只要一行命令conda install gatk就行了。 (2019-04-29 update:这个网址已经挂掉了,请改用:https://anaconda.org/bioconda/repo,或者直接用bing/google搜“conda gatk” 这样的...
前两天有个胖友问我gatk 3.8的版本在哪里下,下载好了之后怎么安装,我果断打开了https://bioconda.github.io/recipes,告诉她安装conda吧,只要一行命令conda install gatk就行了。 (2019-04-29 update:这个网址已经挂掉了,请改用:https://anaconda.org/bioconda/repo,或者直接用bing/google搜“conda gatk” 这样的...
经常是安装到崩溃的软件,conda一行命令就搞定了。前两天有个胖友问我gatk 3.8的版本在哪里下,下载好了之后怎么安装,我果断打开了https://bioconda.github.io/recipes ,告诉她安装conda吧,只要一行命令conda install gatk就行了。 (2019-04-29 update:这个网址已经挂掉了,请...
首先时报错的内容: (base)[root@localhost samtools]# samtoolssamtools:error while loading sharedlibraries:libcrypto.so.1.0.0:cannot open shared objectfile:No such file or directory 可以按如下命令解决 conda install-c bioconda samtools openssl=1.0 ...
When you install anaconda on windows now, it doesn't automatically add Python or Conda. If you don’t know where your conda and/or python is, you type the following commands into your anaconda prompt Next, you can add Python and Conda to your path by using the setx command in your ...
git_url: https://github.com/kalininalab/DataSAIL.git git_rev: master requirements: host: - python - setuptools - pip build: - python run: - python==3.10 - numpy - pandas - networkx - matplotlib - pytest - setuptools - pyscipopt - foldseek - mmseqs2 - cd-hit - mash - tmalign ...
I do have 5 environments that I was able to create and install packages to prior to this happening. I am pretty sure nothing changed with my conda envs until I tried to install a simple package (pillow), nothing too difficult that would change conda. I did look where the error message...
3.Once the download has completed, double click on the download file to go through the setup steps, leaving everything as default. This will install Anaconda on your computer. It may take a couple of minutes and you’ll need up to 3 GB of space available. ...
3.Once the download has completed, double click on the download file to go through the setup steps, leaving everything as default. This will install Anaconda on your computer. It may take a couple of minutes and you'll need up to 3 GB of space available. ...