- xonsh - zsh - powershell See'conda init --help' for more information and options.IMPORTANT:You may needtocloseandrestart your shell after running'conda init'. 或者一些其他的报错,是关于window 和 unix编码的问题。 参考; Conda in Windows under MSYS2 and Zsh line ending problems · Issue #99...
I have looked everywhere but nothing is working for me, when I install Miniforge on my Mac with home-brew and do conda init zsh afterwards, it puts the piece of code in my .zshrc file, but it still gives me an error that conda init has to be run. I'm doing this on the new M2...
If you try to set up according to the installation procedure, conda init zsh will fail. https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/stable/user-guide/install/macos.html When I was using bash, the miniconda was working well. Doesn't it work on macOS + zsh?
在使用Anaconda或Miniconda进行Python环境管理时,有时会遇到conda环境无法激活的问题。这可能是由于多种原因导致的,以下是一些常见的解决方案: 检查shell配置确保您的shell已被正确配置以使用’conda activate’命令。如果您在使用的是bash、zsh等shell,需要运行’conda init ‘命令来初始化shell。例如,对于bash shell,可以...
activate'.To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh - xonsh - zsh - powershellSee 'conda init --help' for more information and options.IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'....
如果你使用的是非bash shell(如zsh、fish等),请确保已运行conda init <shell_name>来初始化你的shell环境。 在Linux或macOS上,如果conda activate仍然无效,你可能需要手动编辑你的shell配置文件(如.bashrc、.zshrc等),并添加以下行: bash . <安装路径>/bin/conda init bash 替换<安装路径&...
我试图让Ubuntu下的command-not-found特性在zsh下工作,但没有运气:zsh:commandnotfound: pdfunitesudo apt-get install poppler-utils谢谢。 浏览0提问于2013-07-26得票数16 回答已采纳 1回答 .zshrc:3:在mac上打开终端时`>‘附近的解析错误 、、、 ...
Run ‘condainit‘ before ‘condaactivate‘ 首先需要确保是管理员身份运行这个cmd窗口。然后,现在执行一下:condainit 命令,最后再执行·:condaactivateyd 命令即可。 conda linux 运维 虚拟环境 原创 CorwinPC 7月前 2235阅读 1 CondaError: Run ‘condainit‘ before ‘condaactivate‘ ...
$ conda init<SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are:-bash-fish-tcsh-xonsh-zsh-powershell See'conda init --help'formore information and options.IMPORTANT:You may need tocloseand restart your shell after running'conda init'. 直接运行,不写到shell里倒是没问题。不过装了很多软件后,早就忘了哪些软...