第一步:修正配置文件位置 运行conda/mamba activate base时,如果提示运行conda/mamba init zsh,执行后可能会发现配置输出到了错误的位置。比如输出到了Windows的home目录(C:\user\username\.zshrc),而不是Zsh的home目录,比如我的是(E:\protable\msys64\home\.zshrc)。 解决方法很简单:将前者的新增内容手动添加到...
If you try to set up according to the installation procedure, conda init zsh will fail. https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/stable/user-guide/install/macos.html When I was using bash, the miniconda was working well. Doesn't it work on macOS + zsh?
输入以下命令以运行 conda 的初始化脚本: 如果你使用的是 Bash 终端(默认情况下),则输入conda init bash命令。 如果你使用的是Zsh终端,则输入conda init zsh命令。 如果你使用的是 Fish 终端,则输入conda init fish命令。 重新启动终端。完成上述步骤后,你应该能够在终端中正常使用conda activate命令了。如果仍然存...
See'conda init --help' for more information and options.IMPORTANT:You may needtocloseandrestart your shell after running'conda init'. 或者一些其他的报错,是关于window 和 unix编码的问题。 参考; Conda in Windows under MSYS2 and Zsh line ending problems · Issue #9922 · conda/conda (github.co...
默认使用conda activate命令时会报错,需要给zsh初始化conda配置: conda init zsh 这样默认启动zsh时会会激活一个base虚拟环境,它是把激活命令写到文件.zshrc了。 环境变量的操作 #删除 conda remove -n your_env_name --all #创建 conda create -n your_env_name python=3.7 ...
打开命令行的时候不在执行~/.bash_profile,如果要想让这个文件有效,那么修改 zsh 的配置文件: 编辑~/.zshrc,在文件里加入一行: source ~/.bash_profile 具体操作如下: sudo vim ~/.zshrc 添加一行 :source ~/.bash_profile,退出保存 source ~/.bash_profile ...
To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME> Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh - xonsh - zsh - powershell See 'conda init --help' for more information and options. IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'. ...
Solution to issue cannot be found in the documentation. I checked the documentation. Issue I have looked everywhere but nothing is working for me, when I install Miniforge on my Mac with home-brew and do conda init zsh afterwards, it put...
执行会失败,报错内容为 CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use'conda deactivate'.To initialize your shell, run$ condainit <SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are:-bash-fish-tcsh-xonsh-zsh-powershellSee'conda init --help'formore information and options.IMPORTANT:...