ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'NFCORE_RNASEQ:RNASEQ:FASTQ_FASTQC_UMITOOLS_TRIMGALORE:FASTQC (3)' Caused by: Failed to create Conda environment command: conda create --mkdir --yes --quiet --prefix /home/rnaseq-analyzer/work/conda/env-e92705f017a3fab1fca3da28471361dd bioconda::fastqc...
Fixed error with conda-build due to zlib dependency. Zlib was used for opening fasta and fastq files via the seqtk library, but these files can be processed the same without the need for seqtk or zlib. This fixes the conda build in the latest updates, wh
dump=fastq-dump或者dump=~/biosoft/sratoolkit.2.9.6-1-centos_linux64/bin/fastq-dump 终于可以转换了。。。 注意得到的样本信息里,_1和_2的意义,查看数据来源文献的说明。
tail 6 cut cat cat程序将数据不加改变的复制到标准输出,数据可以来自于标注输入,也可以来自于文件。
nextflow_config - Config default value correct: params.split_fastq= 50000000 nextflow_config - Config default value correct: params.nucleotides_per_second= 200000 nextflow_config - Config default value correct: params.clip_r1= 0 nextflow_config - Config default value correct: params.clip_r2= 0 ...
robust to genome-mutations, and thus generally does not penalize mutations as heavily as other alignment inconsistencies, which is probably what helps it in this setting. Therefore, I have just defaulted to using STAR in my pipelines (bam2bakRandfastq2EZbakR, the latter still under development)...