# 列出所有虚拟环境 conda env list # 创建虚拟环境 conda create -n name python=3.6 # 删除...
Build status conda install ctools/label/dev::conda-pack conda install defaults::conda-pack conda install conda-forge::conda-pack About Package conda environments for redistribution conda.github.io/conda-pack/ Resources Readme License BSD-3-Clause license ...
Conda-build contains commands and tools to use conda to build your own packages. It also provides helpful tools to constrain or pin versions in recipes. Building a conda package requiresinstalling conda-buildand creating a condarecipe. You then use theconda buildcommand to build the conda package...
language-agnostic binary package manager. It is a package manager used in conda distributions likeMiniforgeand theAnaconda Distribution, but it may be used for other systems as well. Conda makes environments first-class citizens, making it easy to create independent environments even for C libraries...
一般来说,配置交叉编译工具链的时候需要指定编译工具的路径,此时就需要设置环境变量。例如我的mips-linux-gcc编译器在“/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin”目录下,build_tools就是我的编译工具,则有如下三种方法来设置环境变量: 1、直接用export命令: #export PATH=$PATH:/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin ...
Copyright (c) 2005-2020 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Mon_Nov_30_19:08:53_PST_2020 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.2, V11.2.67 Build cuda_11.2.r11.2/compiler.29373293_0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. cuDNN安装(对应版本8.1.1) 参考文章 : ...
devtools::install_github('kevinblighe/PCAtools') 2.自行打包安装 install.packages("pkgbuild") pkgbuild::build("需要打包的文件路径" "打包后存入的文件路径")#获得的文件是.tar.gz文件 install.packages("打包后存入的文件路径",repos=NULL) 升级R包 ...
2)mkdir build 3)cd build 4)#将生成的XXXX.wts文件复制到build目录下 cp ... 5)cmake .. 6)make 5.2.3 生成engine文件 说明: 编译完会生成 一个yolov5 可执行文件 生成engine序列化文件 输入名称 空格n指定模型类别不能少 #大概十分钟的等待... 执行...
wget -c https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh bash Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -f -p ${soft} 安装完成之后,记得把安装路径下的bin文件夹加入到环境变量中 (上面命令中我们已经帮您加进去了)。
conda install -y star hisat2 tophat bowtie2 bwa subread htseq bedtools deeptools salmon sra-tools conda指定版本: 删除环境: conda remove -n rnaseq -all 出现如下错误(可能由于网络原因部分软件没有下载,其实可以到~/miniconda/pkgs删除这一软件如:tophat;但是不知道是什么软件,故而只能来个粗暴的) ...