\qquad 前段时间想将windows的python环境也用conda来进行管理,但是执行conda init之后出现No action taken,具体如下: ... ... no change C:\Users\乱码\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1 No action taken. 2. 原因分析: \qquad 因为作者现在这台电脑刚到手的时候,将系统用户设置成了中文名,于是当conda...
利用Mobaxterm连接远程服务器,在创建conda环境后报错。 输入conda init后返回No action taken. 解决方法 输入source activate,后发现前面多了(base) 输入conda activate xxx(此处为自定义的环境名称),后发现(base)变为(xxx)发布于 2024-02-21 09:25・IP 属地广东 ...
no change S:\softwares\Anaconda\Scripts\activate.bat no change S:\softwares\Anaconda\condabin\activate.bat no change S:\softwares\Anaconda\condabin\deactivate.bat no change S:\softwares\Anaconda\Scripts\activate no change S:\softwares\Anaconda\Scripts\deactivate no change S:\softwares\Anaconda\etc\...
通过指令activate和deactivate能够切换环境。进入py3环境可以使用conda list指令显示当前环境下所安装的包。
Error: Activating Python 3.7.6 64-bit ('base': conda) to run Jupyter failed with Error: StdErr from ShellExec, /Users/brandomiranda/.bashrc: line 31: jump-module.bash: No such file or directory CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. ...
no change /home/software/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xontrib/conda.xsh no change /home/software/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh no change /root/.bashrc No action taken. 解决办法 # 激活环境sourceactivate# 退出环境sourcedeactivate ...
> conda activate <env_name> # 激活环境 > conda deactivate <env_name> # 退出环境 > conda remove -n <env_name> --all # 删除环境及所有包 1. 2. 3. 4. 通道(channel)指包下载包时使用的镜像源网址。在国内可以使用清华镜像网站提高下载速度 ...
Current Behavior Activating a conda environment does nothing. Steps to Reproduce 1. Create an environment in PowerShell 2. Now try and activate it Expected Behavior This should activate the environment. Environment Information `conda inf...
有时conda环境路径配置出问题会使conda activate命令失效,只能使用source执行环境激活相关操作,本文记录解决...
看起来你不能只在bash文件中执行conda activate。你应该在调用它之前添加eval "$(conda shell.bash hook...