19.public Vput(K key, V value)The put() method of ConcurrentHashMap class Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table. 20.public voidputAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> m)The putAll() method of ConcurrentHashMap class Copies all of the mappings from the specified ma...
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> conmap =newConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>(); conmap.put(1,"Java"); conmap.put(2,"php"); conmap.put(3,".net"); conmap.put(5,"python"); ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> conmap2 =newConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>(); conmap2.put(1,"C"...
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> map =newConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("java",10); map.put(".net",15); map.put("python",20); map.put("c",25); map.put("c++",30); System.out.println(" Mappings are: "+map);//print the map System.out.println("is javascript ...
Java ConcurrentHashMap putIfAbsent() Method with Examples on java, concurrenthashmap class, methods, clear() method, compute() method, merge(), contains(), elements(), entryset(), equals(), foreach(), get(), hashcode(), isempty(), keys(), put(), replace(
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> conmap = initialize(); System.out.println(" Id is : "+ id +" " + conmap.getOrDefault(id ,"JavaTpoint")); } privatestaticConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> initialize() { ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> Objmap =newConcurrentHashMap<>(); ...
Java ConcurrentHashMap put() Method with Examples on java, concurrenthashmap class, methods, clear() method, compute() method, merge(), contains(), elements(), entryset(), equals(), foreach(), get(), hashcode(), isempty(), keys(), put(), replace(), searc