Since 1976, Concept2 has been making top-quality exercise equipment that gives you a great workout in your home or gym. Dedicated to excellent service and your success. Shop now for our RowErg rowing machine, SkiErg ski machine or BikeErg indoor exercise
The RowErg has become the standard for rowing programs and athletes worldwide. Our powerful Performance Monitor provides consistent, comparable results, meaning you can track your own progress, as well as compare your times with others. This comparability is why events and races around the world ...
2025 World Rowing Indoor Championships世界室内划船锦标赛,由Concept2呈现——做好准备吧! #Concept2 #划船 #2025worldrowing @Concept2· 12月13日Concept2 01:27 89 凭实力顺点奖品 #全力游戏 #concept2 #划船机 @Allen谢思宇· 12月1日Allen谢思宇 01:02 6 你知道划船是一项全身运动吗?听听 myrow 创始人...
World Rowing 海滩冲刺赛精彩纷呈。在热那亚的比赛中,面对巨浪,运动员们奋力拼搏,力争击败对手 #Concept2 #赛艇 - Concept2于20240920发布在抖音,已经收获了16.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
的晒单&使用。 赛艇运动科普 赛艇(rowing)是 奥运会 传统比赛项目之一。赛艇是由一名或多名桨手坐在舟艇上,背向舟艇前进的方向,运用其肌肉 力量,通过桨和桨架简单杠杆作用进行划水,使舟艇前进的一项 水上运动 。舟艇上可以有舵手,也可以无舵手。 岁月的亲身经历,很多人分不清赛艇和皮划艇,龙舟之类水上运动的区...
Concept2地垫RowingMat黑(限划船机使用) 全网比价 京东 最低 ¥450 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 规格查看更多 货号 CON300-0001 品牌 Concept2 328人关注 全球知名室内划船器和赛艇桨品牌,于1976年在美国创立。专注于生产高水准的赛艇产品。Concept2鼓励室内和室外划船运动并大力促进其发展。Concept2有长达多年的发展...
由Concept2 主办的 2024 World Rowing Indoor Championships 即将开始,不要错过哦!#Concept2 - Concept2于20240221发布在抖音,已经收获了16.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Made in America, designed to last, the Concept 2 rowing machines offer a comprehensive fully transferable warranty. From home gyms, to Olympic training centers, to major professional sports teams, Concept 2 has been put to the test time and again. ...
The Rowing Machine Evolution 其中一个新产品想法是 1981 年推出的室内划船机,允许划船手全年训练,而无需开放水域。独特的设计使用了重新利用的自行车组件和空气阻力飞轮,可以逼真地模拟实际划船的动态全身运动和阻力。这种很基本但功能强大的划船机立即受到寻求非赛季训练的竞技划船手的欢迎,且封闭式飞轮罩等升级使机器...
Made in America, designed to last, the Concept 2 rowing machines offer a comprehensive fully transferable warranty. From home gyms, to Olympic training centers, to major professional sports teams, Concept 2 has been put to the test time and again. ...