Only ever caught for two crimes: going over the speed limit in ‘78, and lying he was half-Jewish to get into college. Now he lies he’s half-Italian. On it goes. DIODATO ‘MART DIO’ MARTIGNONI - Highly influential caporegime in the Broker wing of the Messinas, loyal only to ...
I thought that was such an easy question, but turns out, it isn’t. Because there are so many different kinds of crimes–sure, the kind enumerated in the law books, so any book about those laws being broken and then justice following–or not–would be in...
/ kEn5kCkt; kEn`kBkt/ v [Tn] (often derog 常作贬义) 1 make (sth) by mixing ingredients (esp ones that do not usu go together) 将(尤指通常不相配合的)成分混合成某物; 调制: concoct a drink out of sherry and lemon juice 用雪利酒和柠檬汁配制成的饮料. 2 (derog 贬) invent (a ...