White Collar Crime 作者: Michael L. Seigel 副标题: Law, Procedure, Theory, Practice出版年: 2011-11页数: 696ISBN: 9780735596511豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· As reflected in its title, this book provides concise yet comprehensive coverage...
Have you been charged with a federal white-collar crime? If so, you need a white-collar crime lawyer. The Zoukis Consulting Group can help.
In this article, we present determinants of white-collar crime based on the theory of convenience. Convenience theory suggests that the extent of individual convenience orientation determines to what extent a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his or her occupation will...
白領犯罪(英語:White-collar crime)指的是以取得錢財(尤其是鉅額)為動機之非暴力犯罪。自从 2008 年金融海啸后,为了提升企业经营的透明度及恢复公众对金融体制的信心, 各执法部门加紧了对企业的披露要求及设立了严格的监管制度。故此,企业须紧密地跟上各执法部门订立的监管规例及最新发展, 以避免受到调查或处罚。 假...
White-collar crime White-collarcrime •White-collarcrimeisafinanciallymotivated,economic,non-violentcrimecommittedforillegalmonetarygain.•embezzle/ɪmˈbezəl/tostealmoneyfromtheplacewhereyouworke.g.Twomanagerswerechargedwithembezzling$400,000.Identitytheft •Identitytheftisaformofstealinganotherperson'...
White-Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective analyzes white-collar crime within a coherent theoretical framework. Using the opportunity perspective, which assumes that all crimes depend on offenders recognizing an opportunity to commit an offense, the authors uncover the processes and situational condition...
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Strain Theory White Collar Crime White-collar crime is defined as the financial motivations of non-violent crimes that are committed by professionals of business and those of the government. In the field of criminology, Edwin Suthelan (1939), a socialist who was the first person to define whi...
The term white collar crime was first used in 1939 during an address delivered by Professor Edwin Sutherland of Indiana University to the American Sociological Society. Sutherland sought to expand the definition of crime beyond the generally held belief that crime was an activity, often violent, ...
Studies of the criminal career to date have focused on common criminals and street crime; criminologists have overlooked the careers of white-collar offenders. David Weisburd and Elin Waring offer here the first detailed examination of the criminal careers of people convicted of white-collar crimes....