免费周末 即时起,《Conan Exiles》在Steam、Xbox和Epic Games Store上均限时免费试玩!在这期间和之后,我们都会带来全平台的大幅折扣:包括游戏本体、《Isle of Siptah》扩展和所有DLC! 无需多说,如果你有朋友想和你一起体验精彩的柯南游戏时间,是时候拉他们一起了! 请注意,我们会始终附上完整的补丁说明,但没有翻...
The new tier three stormglass building set is one of the most spectacular looking building sets in all of Conan Exiles. It draws inspiration from some of the ancient structures on the Isle of Siptah. It has a unique look where it mixes stone with glass. The frame piece does not have a ...
Isle of Siptah is a massive expansion to the open world survival game Conan Exiles, featuring a vast new island to explore, huge and vile new creatures to slay, new building sets and a host of new features.
Isle of Siptah is a massive expansion to the open world survival game Conan Exiles, featuring a vast new island to explore, huge and vile new creatures to slay, new building sets and a host of new features.
Of course, a newConan Exilesupdate needs to also have something new to wear and build with. It’s a universal law. There will be new Corinthian Stargazer and Corinthian Academic outfits. The horses also get some lovely new threads to wear, and the guild logo can be appli...
The Cimmerian is a talented fighter who overpowers most men with his strength and skill. Also, his endurance allows him to fight with unfailing ferocity long after most would have collapsed in exhaustion. Due to his travels abroad, he also has vast experience in other trades. He is a ...
Those who choose the dark path of sorcery can infuse their strength, vitality, and charisma with corruption. If you put in enough points to reach a perk milestone, that perk will be replaced by a special sorcery perk. Overall, attributes are also receiving some changes in what they affect....
Part of the overhaul is the“Corruption” system, which gives you more and more power the more you devote yourself to “Corruption”. “Corruption” is linked to the stats Strength, Vitality and Charisma and not only gives you new perks and abilities, but also changes your physical appearance...
✅ Conan Exiles "Checking Permissions" Pop-up Endless on Black Screen:Hello,So I've installed Conan Exiles via the Xbox app on PC, looking to play online. When I attempt to click Play Online, it brings the "Checking...
Harsh survial!| Survive as an exile cast into a savage, brutal world. Hone your skills, harvest materials, build strongholds, grow your strength and learn to master the rough environment! Dominate the land!| Drive your enemies before you and sacrifice them on the altars of the gods to shif...