免费周末 即时起,《Conan Exiles》在Steam、Xbox和Epic Games Store上均限时免费试玩!在这期间和之后,我们都会带来全平台的大幅折扣:包括游戏本体、《Isle of Siptah》扩展和所有DLC! 无需多说,如果你有朋友想和你一起体验精彩的柯南游戏时间,是时候拉他们一起了! 请注意,我们会始终附上完整的补丁说明,但没有翻...
Exiles! The land trembles beneath boots of war. Stygia has come!The first Chapter of the Age of War is here, with combat improvements, clan hoards, and clan emblems! Combat ImprovementsFighting for your life in Conan Exiles has never felt more rewarding. Test the strength of your steel ...
✅ Conan Exiles "Checking Permissions" Pop-up Endless on Black Screen:Hello,So I've installed Conan Exiles via the Xbox app on PC, looking to play online. When I attempt to click Play Online, it brings the "Checking...
The new tier three stormglass building set is one of the most spectacular looking building sets in all of Conan Exiles. It draws inspiration from some of the ancient structures on the Isle of Siptah. It has a unique look where it mixes stone with glass. The frame piece does not have a ...
Alpha animals (1 skull) are now much closer to the strength of their animal type Champions (2 skulls) can now be found among the tribes and drop Unique items (see above) World bosses (3 skulls) have been adjusted similarly to other enemies but the exact adjustments vary – in general ex...