美[kəmˈpjutər] 英[kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] n.计算机;计算器;计算者 网络电脑;电脑整机;电子计算机 复数:computers 搭配 同义词 v.+n. use computer,operate computer,infect computer,program computer adj.+n. personal computer,portable computer,home computer,japanese computer ...
Computersand electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians. 计算机与电子行业属于蓬勃发展的产业,需要娴熟的技术人员。 柯林斯例句 He wanted to usecomputersto automate the process. 他想通过计算机实现流程的自动化。 柯林斯例句 Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands-on experie...
computers是什么意思、computers怎么读 读音:英[kəm'pju:təz] 美[kəm'pju:təz] 雅思 computers 基本解释 n. 计算机, 电脑(computer的复数) computers 词性变化 原型:computer 词组短语 1、Amdahl 580 seriescomputers[计] 阿姆德尔580计算机系列 ...
Kids Definition computer noun com·put·er-ˈpyüt-ər :one that computes especially:a programmable usually electronic machine that can store, get back again, and work with data More from Merriam-Webster oncomputer Nglish:Translation ofcomputerfor Spanish Speakers ...
full duplex computers全双工计算机 mainframe computers大型计算机 feasibility studies for computers in reports【经】 在报表中电脑适用性的研究 相似单词 computers计算机 最新单词 corelift是什么意思及用法偏芯 corelation是什么意思及音标n. 相互关系;关连
Computers Computer partsanalogue-digital converter, arithmetic logic unitorALU, cartridge, case, CD-rewriter, CD-Rom drive, central processing unitorCPU, chip, coaxial cable, console, control key, counter, daisywheel, DDR-RAM, digital audio player, digital camera, digitizer, DIMM, disk, disk drive...
コーパスの例 computer•computersoftware•There is nodoubtthatquickrecallofnumberfactsis still anadvantageeven in theeraofcalculatorsandcomputers.•It isimportantthat all children becomecomputerliteratewhilethey are inschool.•The information from thesurveyis beingprocessedbycomputer.•Complexcomputergr...
单数和复数的区别。“Computer” 和 “computers” 都是英语单词,其中 “computer” 是单数形式,表示计算机;而 “computers” 则是复数形式,表示多台计算机。在英语语法中,名词复数形式通常表示多个事物,而单数形式则表示单个事物。
computers [kəm'pju:təz]雅思 中文翻译 1 n. [计] 计算机,[计] 电脑(computer的复数) 英语释义 1 n a machine for performing calculations automatically 2 n an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines) Computers是什么意思,Computers在线翻译,Computers中文意思,Computers的中文...
2. What will computers be like in the future? 2.电脑将来会变成什么样子? 3. What will disappear in a computer in the future? 3.将来的计算机会没有什么? 4. What can people do with mobile phones in the future? 4.人们未来可以用移动电话做什么? 5. Which statement is Not true? 5.哪种说...