大类:Chemical Engineering小类:General ChemistryQ2135 / 408 67% 名词解释: CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。 SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 (SJR) 决定。 SNIP:每篇文章中来源出版物的标准化影响将实际受引用情况对照期刊所属学...
Best Regards, SCImago Team SSomnath Basu 5 years ago I intend to send a paper for consideration for publication in the area of wastewater treatment process engineering. Do you accept papers in this area? I published in your journal in the past in this subject area. Also, if the answer ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering will focus particular attention on the key areas of: Process Application (separation, polymer, catalysis, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, nuclear technology); Energy and Environmental Technology (materials for energy storage and conversion, coal gasification, gas...
- Provides a platform for both industrial and engineering chemistry. - Publishes original full-length articles, short communications, and reviews. - Offers an expedited processing for short communications when urgent publication is substantiated.
大类:Chemical Engineering小类:Filtration and SeparationQ14 / 19 81% 大类:Chemical Engineering小类:CatalysisQ115 / 68 78% 名词解释: CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。 SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 (SJR) 决定。
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering is a multidisciplinary journal highlighting advancements in chemical science and engineering. Presents the ...
Accepts review articles, original research papers, rapid communications, and letters to the editor. Emphasizes papers containing both chemical and ecological/behavioral elements. Submissions may include substantive observations of interactions in nature, the elucidation of the chemical compounds involved, the...
Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology Dimensions EBSCO EI Compendex Google Scholar Naver Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Portico ProQuest SCImago SCOPUS Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ...
Short communications may be processed and published faster when urgent publication is substantiated. Longer review articles must be submitted with previous consent from the Editor-in-Chief, but this is not necessary for shorter reviews. Wednesday, March 05, 2025 IMPACT FACTOR 2023 2.1 SCImago ...
The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. The purpose is to have a forum in which general doubts about the processes of publication in the journal, experiences and other issues derived from the publication of paper...