compressive sensing(CS) 又称 compressived sensing ,compressived sample,大意是在采集信号的时候(模拟到数字),同时完成对信号压缩之意。中文的翻译成“压缩感知”,意思变得至少不太好理解了。 Compressed sensing is a mathematical tool that creates hi-res data sets from lo-res samples. It can be used to...
Tao(2006年菲尔兹奖获得者,2008年被评为世界上最聪明的科学家)等人提出了一种新的信息获取指导理论,即,压缩感知或压缩传感(Compressive Sensing(CS) or Compressed Sensing、Compressed Sampling)。该理论指出:对可压缩的信号可通过远低于Nyquist标准的方式进行采样数据,仍能够精确地恢复出原始信号。该理论一经提出,就...
压缩感知(Compressive Sensing, CS)是一种理论框架,用于研究如何高效地采集和恢复稀疏或近似稀疏信号。...
Compressive Sensing (CS) refers to a sensing scheme in which perceived signals are compressed at the time of sensing, which allows for reliable sampling at a lower rate than the Nyquist rate [92]. This is only plausible if the sensed signal is sparse and compressible, meaning a signal that...
压缩感知(压缩传感,Compressive Sensing)理论是近年来信号处理领域诞生的一种新的信号处理理论,由D. Donoho(美国科学院院士)、E. Candes(Ridgelet, Curvelet创始人)及华裔科学家T. Tao(2006年菲尔兹奖获得者)等人提出,自诞生之日起便极大地吸引了相关研究人员的关注。网站上可以获取大量相关...
Due to the capability of recovering the signal from a small set of samplings and the randomness in the acquisition process, compressive sensing (CS) has a vast prospect in dealing with these problems. In this paper, we propose a secure and packet loss-resistant real-time audio ...
Recently, a new image encryption technique based on compressive sensing (CS) has been proposed. CS allows the signal to be sampled at a much lower rate than the Nyquist- Shannon rate. Furthermore, the signal can be sampled and compressed in a single step using the sparsity of the signal ...