This literature synthesis examines empirical literature on interventions and measures used in experimental studies of reading comprehension for students with both autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) or intensive support needs. Eleven studies met inclusion criteria. We present the...
situation-level (Kintsch,Citation1988) inferences to fill in the gaps in short narrative passages about everyday, social situations (no one related to the topic of sun exposure and
Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and learning disabilities (LDs) often experience reading difficulties. In particular, reading long passages ca
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. Passage One Early in November 1965...
As a result, when measuring learners' reading strategies, teachers should avoid using passages that could be biased towards one gender and against the other one. Additionally, for the instruction to be more fruitful, teachers should be trained in strategy instruction and assessment. Materials ...
All the vocabularies used in the assessment were selected from the reading passages in the students' books. In the following section, a test of the grammatical knowledge consisted of 30 items in three parts. The first part (10 items) asked the students to put unscrambled words in order. In...
scores on measures of inferential comprehension were higher for narrative texts than expository texts (g = .36,p = .02). This effect did not vary depending on whether inferential comprehension was assessed during or after reading, whether the texts for each genre were matched for readab...
If the test takers marked more than one option, the question was not scored, and the grade for that item was considered zero. If one of the two selected options by the test takers was the correct answer, it was not scored because more than one option had been identified (this is in ...
The purpose of this study was to qualify method-centered teaching approaches by investigating the effects of the reflective teaching model for reading comprehension (RTMRC) on ninth-grade students’ English reading comprehension achievement in Myanmar. Three kinds of method-centered teaching approaches, ...
The Greek version of the YARC provides a total of 12 passages, two for each grade, with age-appropriate characteristics and gradually increasing in length and readability (Dell’Orletta et al. 2011). Descriptive and narrative passages were provided, and children had to read them aloud. The ...