After reading the short passage, answer the reading comprehension questions. 2nd Grade Libraries (Short, Nonfiction) Young learners can independently read and answer questions about different types of libraries and all sorts of cool things you can use them for. 2nd Grade Soccer Time! (Short, ...
Teach reading comprehension strategies your students can use for a lifetime with printable worksheets, reading passages, graphic organizers, task cards, Google Slide decks and more resources to help students learn to summarize, make connections, draw inferences and more! This curriculum-aligned teaching...
3.Itissaidthatabout2,000worksofmodernartarehousedinthisgallery. Activity1Fast-readingformainideas 1.Skimthepassageandthenfillintheblanks. Thepassageisatraveljournalabouttheauthor’sfirstimpressionsoftheMuséed’Orsay,anart museum. 2.Skimthetraveljournalandmatcheachpartwiththemainidea. ...
Read and learn about Arctic fox adaptations with a set of printable Reading Comprehension Worksheets for 2nd and 3rd grade. Amelia Earhart Constructed Response Worksheet Use this passage, second grade writing prompt, and worksheet to help students write a constructed response paragraph about Amelia Earh...
3.Howdoyouunderstandthetitle“TheRoadtoSuccess”? 答案“Success”meansthatStephenCurryisverysuccessfulnow. “Theroad”meansthehardworkbehindhissuccess. ThispassageismainlyabouthowStephenCurrybecameasuccessfulbasketballplayer. 4.WhathasStephenCurryachieved?
3. Have the child read a passage aloud from the book he or she is presently reading, noting vocal fluency as well as the difficulty of the material. Offer positive feedback (2 minutes). 4. Check up on a skill reviewed or introduced at the last conference and correct the assign- ment ...
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the meaning of a written passage. Like learning to drive, reading comprehension is also an essential skill in life. Strong reading comprehension skills increase the pleasure and effectiveness of reading, and it's the prerequisite for acquiring content...
What’sthemainideaofthepassage? A.Lisa’sadviceaboutseniorhigh. B.Lisa’smemoryofseniorhigh. C.Lisa’sworryaboutchemistryclass. D.Lisa’ssuggestionsaboutcollegelife. 答案A Ⅱ.悉层次结构 Readthetextquicklyandmatchthemainideawitheachpart. Paras.1-2A.Howdidyoudealwithnewchallenges,likestartinganewcours...
Activity1Fast-readingformainideas 1.Readthefirstpassagequicklyandmatchthemainideawitheachparagraph. Para.1A.MrJenkins’teachingstyle. Para.2B.Graham’schangesandhisgratitudetoMrJenkins. Para.3C.HowGraham’sschoolworkwasbeforehewenttoMrJenkins’class. ...
2.Matchthemainideawitheachpartaccordingtothepassage. Part1(Paras.1-2)A.TheintroductiontoCantonesedimsum. Part2(Paras.3-4)B.TheintroductiontoSichuanhotpot. Part3(Paras.5-6)C.TheintroductiontoNanjingsaltedduck. 答案Part1BPart2CPart3A Ⅱ.Careful-readingfordetails ...