Practice using the RACES writing strategy for text evidence with a Lewis and Clark Passage, graphic organizer, and worksheet. Valentines Around the World – Comprehension Worksheet Explore five global Valentine’s Day traditions with this informational text and comprehension questions activity. ...
Passage2mainlytellsusthatLiuYonghui,aretiredteacher,preferseatingathomeforthe SpringFestivalfamilydinnerandhethinkstheprocessisevenmoreimportantthanthedinner itself. Ⅱ.Careful-readingfordetails Activity1细节把握 1.WhydoesWangPengchoosetoeatoutfortheSpringFestivalfamilydinner?
According to the passage, learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when ___. A. children become highly motivated B. teacher and learner roles are identical C. teaching helps children in the search for knowledge D. reading enriches children's experience 10.The main idea of the ...
2.Howdoestheauthordevelopthepassage? A.Byfollowingthewayofspelling. B.Byfollowingtheorderofimportance. C.Byprovidingexamples. D.Bymakingcomparisons. 答案C Step3读后——讨论深度理解 1.Doyouagreewiththeauthor’sopinionabouttheEnglishlanguage?Giveyourreasons. (Creativethinking) 答案Iagreewiththeauthor’sopi...
Teach reading comprehension strategies your students can use for a lifetime with printable worksheets, reading passages, graphic organizers, task cards,...
2. Ask the child what he or she has read since the last conference and what is being presently read, inviting a brief account of the reading material (1–2 minutes). 3. Have the child read a passage aloud from the book he or she is presently reading, noting vocal fluency as well ...
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the meaning of a written passage. Like learning to drive, reading comprehension is also an essential skill in life. Strong reading comprehension skills increase the pleasure and effectiveness of reading, and it's the prerequisite for acquiring content...
What’sthemainideaofthepassage? A.Lisa’sadviceaboutseniorhigh. B.Lisa’smemoryofseniorhigh. C.Lisa’sworryaboutchemistryclass. D.Lisa’ssuggestionsaboutcollegelife. 答案A Ⅱ.悉层次结构 Readthetextquicklyandmatchthemainideawitheachpart. Paras.1-2A.Howdidyoudealwithnewchallenges,likestartinganewcours...
MrJenkins’classWhile-reading2.Readthesecondpassagequicklyandfillintheblankswithoneword.Para.1MrJenkins’___ofGraham.Para.2MrJenkins’attitudetowards___.Para.3MrJenkins’beliefin___. impressionstudentsteaching3.Howarethetwopassagesmainlyorganized?A.Bygivingdefinition.B.Bygivingexamples.C.Bytheorderoftim...
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information ...